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There must have been a mix-up at the manufacturing plant, because I’m pretty sure I have been taking Buddha Body instead.
Warning: Side effects may include holes in hands and feet.
The Jesus Body box has all the subtle charm of a back-alley, Japanese hooker.
The new way to take communion!
WOW, this product has “ULTRSOME”,,,
Or, as we call it in the States, Red Dye #2.
You’re darn right I want a refund. When I got home and opened the box it was empty.
… Don’t ‘hallelujah’ me !!
Warranty void after three days.
Michael Jackson just doesn’t stop. First it’s Jesus Juice, now this…
Remeber to dodge that spear…
Tastes like chicken.
“I can lay it down because I am correct”
Word to that mo fo.
Goodbye church waffers, HELLO pharmecutical goodness!
Secrets from the “Gospel According to Jenney Craig.”
Manufactured by Dan Brown Pharmaceutical
“INGREDIENTS: one-half the recommended daily allowance of Eucharist. Blood of Christ not included.”
Ultra-SOME?!??? What do you have that has Ultra-A LOT?!
Jeez, buddy!
The power of Christ compels you.
I know that organized religion can get pretty commercialized, but this is ridiculous.
The Body of Christ.
The Cinnulin PF of Christ.
Jesus got crucified and died for our sins. And so that we can all look pretty in a bathing suit.
Kept secret from others? Are they Gnostics?
Who would Jesus bonk?
I can lay it down!
Mary found her son in the Temple teaching the priests how to keep their complexion clear and smooth out wrinkles…
Scientists are still trying to determine the date the package was created…
Side effects include: Bleeding from every pore…
Instructions: Just touch the box…
It has the effect of making you slippery. (Luke 4:30)
Take two pills and resurect in the morning!
I tried to take them, but they kept rising up on me!
Maybe that’s how you get the body?
Ultrasome? I still look UltraSAME!
Holy Spirit sold separately
Wow! Over-the-counter communion wafers . . .
careful those tablets are stone!
Alot of good captions… But I just have to say one thing. “So much for it being a secret.”
“Always look on the bright side of life”…beware of teh crack suicide squad!
It’s real creepy to mix religion and sex.
after 180 tablets of Ultrasome and CinnulinPF your body might also ascend elsewhere
50 Push-ups followed by an hour of prayer.
Get a fit body on the 3rd day!
May the power of Christ compel you to be great in bed!
And NOW, we FINALLY know the answer to the question, “What WOULD Jesus do?”
Take before eating a sensible last supper.
I got really bad side effects from these pills. First I got these terrible sharp pains that felt like someone was sticking thorns into my skull. Then I bled from my hands and feet. And then I experienced severe drowsiness for three days and when I finally woke up I felt like I’d just come back from the dead. 🙂
A billboard just for ME!? Our little secret………..
Massive religion overdose.
For those closeted Christians…
Jesus Body… You better lay it down correct holmes!
God bless you