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Basketball Nuts Association
Wait a minute! That’s not a basketball. That’s a bowling ball.
I’m glad that someone’s pointing, otherwise I wouldn’t have known what to look for.
The latest product from Non-Planning Co.Ltd.
Blatantly Non Authentic
Our sponsor is Michael Jrodan
“I loathe this game”
If you can’t join the NBA, try the BNA
The real indignity will be the lead-based tattoos that these will leave on the soles of your feet.
The BNA supports all of the mediocre players.
Looks like Nike have forgotton to turn their spell-checker on again… 😉
Look on the bright side: These would make *ideal* merchandise for the British Netball Association! 🙂
To this day, Foo Lum Enteprises still havn’t realised why they lost the NBA merchandise contract. 🙂
One for the armchair supporters amongst us. The letters stand for “Beer, not Athletics”, or something like that.
This product not only knocks off the NBA and Nike… but to appeal to the widest possible market there is also a “Hello Kitty” logo underneath.
BNA actually stands for the British Nursing Association. The similarities of the logo are a coincidence as it represents an ever-vigilant nurse rushing to the aid of a patient with medical bag in hand.
Obviously a hard fought apparel sponsorship won by Nike.
The association to join for those basketball players who have dyslexia.
Is the Spurs game on NTT or BNC? It’s not listed on my TA&T cable guide.
This is an actual example of regulation footwear in the BNA.
In my country you can find NLH shoes easily on some flea markets 😛
Note: the other one of the pair says: B.N.Fer!
Wow. I had these when I lived in China. They were my shower shoes!
Barenaked Athletes?
BNA: Basketball Needs Air!
BNA stands for Bangladesh, Nike’s Africa. Sweatshop employees are the 21st century’s slave labour.
Black N’ Amazing
If they produce a ‘BNFL’ shoe, I’ll go nuclear…
BNA! It’s DNA for your feet!
Blank Nigger Association FTW
BNA: the dyslexic version of the NBA.
Featuring Basketball and Champion, Jicheal Mordan! ;D
Funny, BNA stands for BandarÃkin = USA in Icelandic 😉
just like my sneakers.
You can also watch FNL, where Bertt Farve plays!
BNA: Brand Not Authentic
BNA: Wheer amzaing hpapens.