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smonk —> Short form for Shaolin Monks. I think they prohibit Kung Fu fighting in the hotel
This prohibits teaching monkeys how to smoke.
This is a new drinking game where you try to see how far you can sneeze a cigarette out of your nose. Yeah,… it’s disgusting…
No driking, either.
No smonking, chewning or spittning.
It can cause luong cancer
They stole the “n” from the “No driking” sign.
Unbelievable! First they prohibit smorking; now they prohibit smonking! What’s next? no smolking?
Do the smonkey!
If you feel you must smonke, please do not exhanle.
Outside the building, the smonkers gather in the cold to have their cignarettes.
Is it okay if I smork?
Smonking in the boys’ room..
Smonke Gets in Your Eynes
OK, so smonking isn’t allowed here…But what about smoking? 😉
I know that it’s fashionable for Chinese businesses to effect an English atmosphere in their premesis…But isn’t copying our smoking laws going a little over the top? :-\
OK, so smonking isn’t allowed here…But what about smoking? 😉
[Repost: Original appeared to get overwritten by my second caption.]
And no writning bad Chinese on the feednback form provided, either. 🙂
Smonking is more Prohibited than Having fun in China
smonked ham isn’t allowed either.
Smonk em if you gont em! But only in the OUT sides.
we don’t like tonbacco
but not using coasters it totaly legal
No Bonking!
I wish you non-smonkers would stop glorting.
smonky the bear says.. “onry you can plevent hotel fires”
smonke on the water!
No driking either!
Dresscode: Shitty attire!
CANT YOU READ THE SIGN?!!!! IT SAYS NO….. oh wait, thats a typo
I’m sure they’re only jonking
Where on earth can I find smonke grenades?
Smoking + Bonking = Smonking.
Do it one at a time, please!
no smonking…? does that mean no breathning either? what about eatning or blinkning?
Hey, it’s my Smonkey and I’ll take him wherever I damn well please!
Not pictured are the signs to go on the outside doorknob:
-Broom Snervice Please
-Do not Dustermb
And especially no smonkeying around!
If you didn’t want me to smonk, why did you leave the lotion?
The people in the next room were complaining about the noise…
’tis okay, I’ll just smork.
Smonk and a pancake.
I don’t smonk, baby, I brun!
I hate when somebody shows up to smonk and not call first.
Also, please don’t smoke.
Spanking. Monkey. Smonking?
Don’t you know you’ve got to Shock the Smonkey?!?
In that area there are some kind of “Smoking Monkeys”
It’s bonking and smoking combined! “Smonking”
“Smoking” is okay, though.
You all missed it.
It should read – No Simon King, they don’t like him over there.