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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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The aroma of those truffles is really penetrating…
posted on 30 Mar 2009 in Chinglish
With just a touch of pepper and assault…
Photo courtesy of Matthew Anderson Workman.
“Rape” likely refers to rapeseed oil (canola oil).
Found in China restaurant.
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Gourmet powder? So that’s what they call it…
Gourmet rape now thats something different.
I’ll just have a burger with a side of slapped-around, please.
That’s not a mushroom!
Still sounds better than rape with fungus.
“Waiter, is the special served with hot dogs or clams?”
New scientific finding- gourmet powder cause rape
“…and can I get Pepper Spray on the side…?”
What’s a pimp without his pouder…
That is a truly penetrating mushroom!
… and Ketchup
Prepare to get assaulted!
ah, no officer its just my gourmet powder…you see, it came with the black fungus and rape.
Side of penicillin, please.
Is that a mushroom or are you just happy to see me?
Prepare to get asSALTed!
“Waiter! What’s that naked girl doing in my black fungus?”
Rape with STD… wow.
Once you go black…
Warning* Gourmet powder may include nuts.
Happens when you let strangers that close!
I guess my tastes aren’t refined enough to appreciate the subtle nuances of this delicacy.
Rape is the seed from which Canola Oil is made. I think that this is where the dictionary went wrong……………….
There’s actually a plant called rape~
Sounds like an STD warning…
Oh, I get it… the food with “gourmet” powder induces to black fungus rape! you sick bastards!
Oh great. Another STD epidemic.
I sort of like this gourmet club.
Maybe the rape contain money.
Black fungus: violatingly good, may cause pregnancy or STDs.
By gourmet powder do you mean Roofies?
sounds tasty, except for the gourmet sauce.
She told me it was only black fungus too…now look where i am!
Rape: an Old World herb (Brassica napus) of the mustard family grown as a forage crop and for its seeds which yield rapeseed oil and are a bird food
Mmmmm…. even some child molesters and prostitutes seem to like this kind of fungus.
At least there’s a CHANCE that something gourmet is in there… maybe…
Forget the rape, how about that black fungus? keep that stuff away from me! 😉
That’s not a mistake, guys. Rape is a real vegetable and seed used in cooking. They prettied up the name in the west, to Canola, but rape is the real name.
“rape” is suppposed to be “grape”
I get black fungus with my rape??? SWEET!
“Hey wait… Idon’t think this white goo is the gourmet powder.”
I sprinkle mine with pepper…spray.
mmm… rape flava… my favourite… how did they know?! and the powder is just a bonus! WHERE’S MINE!!! LOL
Because anything goes with rape!
Gourmet powder and rape! Yum!
Wish I could just smear it all over me and then lick it off – if
I were only that limber. I fergit: does it come with a side of fries?
And if you’re still standing after the black fungus, you’ll get the shiny shoehorn next.
Ignorant person mistakes a real vegetable (rape, pronounced rah-pee) as engrish, dumbass.
Hopefully, rape and black fungus come with a side of sense of humor for Anonymous.
– Powdered gormet’s rape contaminating with black fungus (mould)? No, thank you!