for the best way to keep grandpa fresh call Babu, he will help you……
15 years ago
We do solve problems.
14 years ago
I didn’t want to go to the expense of buying my own dead body freezer box. It’s a relief to know I can rent one whenever I need it!
14 years ago
So… does driving with your windows down in a warm climate considered freezing? Oh, the tint job must do the trick.
13 years ago
It translates almost directly from the tamil script above it which reads something like: “[the] dead person’s body cold-making box for rent”
this is as much a case of descriptive deficit in the original language as it is engrish… [there is a single word for “corpse” in tamil, but it’s sort of considered rude]
Nah. Too easy.
Eliminate the middle man, save money. I like it.
Babu is the greatest company name ever. Better yet if it’s a hosptial name
Omg! They killed…. Oh you already know…
Make this a 5 Attack 30 Defense Lootable item in Mafia Wars ;p
“But the doctor said he was under his care!”
“I believe he said ‘under his car’.”
dont have any dead ones, well you can always keep your food in it
Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
A Mafia’s Dream Come True!!!
just what i always wanted
for the best way to keep grandpa fresh call Babu, he will help you……
We do solve problems.
I didn’t want to go to the expense of buying my own dead body freezer box. It’s a relief to know I can rent one whenever I need it!
So… does driving with your windows down in a warm climate considered freezing? Oh, the tint job must do the trick.
It translates almost directly from the tamil script above it which reads something like: “[the] dead person’s body cold-making box for rent”
this is as much a case of descriptive deficit in the original language as it is engrish… [there is a single word for “corpse” in tamil, but it’s sort of considered rude]
Dahmer must have used this service.
– Bring out the dead! … Bring out the dead!