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I’ve searched the earch for a perch for my besmirched luggerch.
We can save the Earch, cut some of the staph, and be more profichable, Environmentalism sure is good for businesh.
We’re being shkrewed
Give a hooch, don’t polluce.
Bresh Motter Earch
Itch not nishe to fool Motter Nater!
Hey, I’m doing my part — I’ve volunteered to wash the Spotted Owels!
It’s where the Grinch lives.
They’re thanking me for my comprehension? Sorry, but…
I can’t save the earch now, I’m too busy saving the water (from drowning)!
The Earch is my Wolrd. Save the Wolrd on Earch Day!
Your Earch is my Earch!
What on Earch are they doing?
All of a sudden, I have the earch to go hug a tree.
Bressed are the meek, for they shall inerit the earch..
Even Japan is going Gleen.
somebody call captain pranet!
Nevermind the “earch”. Anyone else notice that they reuse old soap? That’s disgrusting! The water is the source of life!
I just cerebrated Earch Hour rast night. Is it great?
“Thank you for comprehension…” I don’t think I comprehended it right.
Yes we must save the Earch. After all we don’t want the Earch to dissappear like the Nauga did when it was over hunted for its hide. SAVE THE EARCH!!!!
Given that final line, is it possible they foresaw that sign being uploaded to this site? 😀
[P.S EngrishWebmaster: Some of the text is hard to read if one is visually impared. Could ye upload the Engrish half at a higher resolution? 🙂 ]
OK, so they’ll wash my vowels every day if I wish…But do they provide the same service for one’s consonants too? 😀
[Oh, and I forgot to say “Prease” in my previous message – Sorry! 🙂 ]
Please save the water – Collect five gallons and trade for a cuddly stuffed Dolphin! 🙂
Redute, Reuse, Retytle
Please save the Earch — home of the bad spellers!
Looks like we’ve all been left in the earch.
did bush write this to piss off al gore? or did i “misunderestimate” him?