Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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This is just amazing, I can’t think of anything funny to say.
What a fine complement to Fridays Adult Engrish
I just KNOW i’ll lose my job when I go blind.
Same here George, this just fries my brain cells.
Wow, it’s an official Obama ’08 campaign slogan for the Japanese!
You sure of self abuse?
Yes, I can!
The Obama recovery plan at work.(Before anybody gets all upset about the “political” nature of the comment just remember it is supposed to be FUNNY…….The pasword is HUMOR)
The mantra of a couch potato who is worried about the size of his butt
Rorschach? I thought Dr. Manhattan killed you. I knew there would be a sequel.
Whats next?
I Sure of
Self Molesting
future to come
Department of
Child Services
Maybe you should try rehab before you need welfare….
I sure Engrish classes are needed
It’s time to go back to the future to abuse the welfare program. Great success is! Get a rich scheme!
Another ponzi scheme by Madoff
if you read it backwards it says “welfare come to future REACTION abuse self of sure I” …. just letting you know
Engrish for trailer parks?
She sure called that one!
Even the hookers are giving bleak economic forecasts.
Poor fool, quit hittin’ yourself!
nobody pays the wages of self abuse.
It was only a matter of time before they started making shirts for Emo kids.
Shirt that should have been worn by many of my community mental health clients for intake. Would have saved me much time and effort.
Ahh not another political dress adressing the issue of welfare and it’s self-abusing effects!! These guys are like pokemon
It’s tough to get out of the trailer park.
Shirt not pictured:
High aim on life: Heroine! Yes I am addict!
Random depressing words!!
All typed onto a shirt!!
Wow, the person who made this shirt must have been smonking some good stuff….
At least she’s forewarned…
New fashions appearing at a trailer park near you!
Rednecks: We have are globally now ya’ll!!! Super Happy Trailer Park!!!!
True we have much goodness. No having makes wellness.
Don’t buy me. Leave me on the rack at the store.
Centrelinks new ‘promotional’ t-shirt!
Is this like a Japanese crack whore uniform?