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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for Suddenly Laugh
Unique Laotian meals…
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I think I need a bleak coffee to bring me down.
Restaurant patron: Waiter … there’s blood in my omen latte …
Waiter (in a raspy whisper): GET … … … OUT!
There’s a Monty Python sketch in ‘Bread Jane and Butter’ somewhere 🙂
Hm, a 150.00 latte – are you sure this is Laos and not Los Angeles?
I breed with Jane every day so you ingrates can have food on your tables!
It’s gold ye seek? Ye best be talkin’ to old Bowleg Egg. He knows a goose…but the advice won’t be cheap.
Why have a Bleak Coffe, when for just 1000 k more you can have it “with all”?
I’ll have the Plain Jane bread and some uneventful butter…
WAITER!!! I just saw Jesus in my Omen Latte…!
Coffee withal, no anchovies, please
After the vision I saw in my Omen Latte the outlook for the rest of this meal is rather bleak…
Hmmm…this coffee’s future ain’t looking so good.
What the hell is this “fried egg” thing?
Is this what they call Froth reading?
This latte tastes like a good omen!
Omen lattes with a double shot of Excorcism….30,000k.
“Bread and butter please, plain jane!”
“Bread Jane and butter”… is that a breakfast or an activity?
How much for an egg with normal legs?
I really wish the divination would stay with tea… coffee grounds are soooo hard to read for omens
Waiter, why did you carve three sixes into my latte foam?
That’s funny… the foam on my latte keeps forming “666” …
The chances of a good coffee are bleak!
Serious info:
Incidentally, the Hindi word for “Bring” is pronounced as “Lao!”
I’ll take a cofee withal as long as “Al” isn’t one of those annoying bastards looking for a free meal…
Argh! Xila beat me to the ‘666’ gag….
Hello, my name is Damien, and I’ll be your waiter today…
I’d like some bread with butter and Jane on it, please.
Hey Waiter, Do you serve Lethal Coffee???
Bread Jane and Butter?? I hardly even know her!
Waiter! i’ll have the omen latte, hold the new testament, i just got back from the synagogue
So, that’s what happened to Damien Thorn!
He’s gone into the coffee business, it seems.
“Bleak Coffee” – I believe the more pc term is “decaf”
I can’t explain it, but…my latte just looks EVIL somehow.
Free Seance included with your Omen Lattes!
This just proves that the difference between the good translators and the bad ones is their spellchecker.
Bleak coffee: just one grain of instant.
Waiter…..my egg seems to have broken legs – wait, are you wearing HORNS??!!!
With pottered WHAT???!!!!!
Omen Latte = so devilishly good!
G’day fro the poster of this gem….The food was pretty good , as I remember, BTW , the Bleak Coffee @ 3000 Kip equates to 35 US cents !!
With her popularity on the rise, Jane Dough changed her name to Jane bread 🙂
I’ll have a bleak coffee, please. …It’s just that kind of day.
These pottered omen lattes are all the rage in Santa Fe.
so this explains why the flied eggs have horns and demon wings
Why oh why did Tarzan the manager let Cheetah write the menu of the Greystokes Cafe again???
Hum Noi Hum Yai!
It always spills!
I tell you what, it’s hard to find a place that makes good Jane these days.
Scarlett and eggs coming up at 12…