Also check out today’s Brog post! Photo courtesy of John Wriedt. Found at a restaurant in Laos.
bowlegged eggs—so yummy and bowlegged you could drive a pancake through them
Coming soon to bookstores, the riveting “Harry Pottered And The Omen Lattes”!
But, I want my coffee to be cheerful…
Bleak coffee for bleak times.
bowleg egg is in no relation to the pigeon-toed pie.
I’ve been dying for one of those lattés.
bowlegged eggs—so yummy and bowlegged you could drive a pancake through them
Coming soon to bookstores, the riveting “Harry Pottered And The Omen Lattes”!
But, I want my coffee to be cheerful…
Bleak coffee for bleak times.
bowleg egg is in no relation to the pigeon-toed pie.
I’ve been dying for one of those lattés.