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Holething on a stick!
You have to pay for the Stickthing too. That’s how they get you.
(Homer Simpson voice) Mmmmmmmm…..holething….uuhhuuhhghguhuuhuhhhguhhh
Peas and carrots go together like cops and holethings
That’s holesome
Can’t believe I ate the holething!
Whats the stick got to do with the hole.
I cant believe I ate the holething.
Holething, I think I love you!
Chocolate on a hole was my favourite fantasy!
At last, I’ve waited for chocolate vaginas to drop on the market all my life!
A hole-thing with a stick in it, sounds like classic American pornography to me!
Available from the Holeearth catalog
Havething only 3.00
There’s a thing on the ground? Why would I ca-AAAAHHH!!!
Costs six paperthings.
ç«æ˜Ÿ means “Mars”.
Quarterthing only 1.50
Please use open-close thing to exit buyplace
Is a jelly doughnut a filledthing?
No – it’s a Berlinerthing
You know, man. It’s like…that thing with the hole…dude.
The sprinklethings are my favoritethings.
Hole-ly satisfying!
Actually chinese characters say “Saturn” (literally fire-star).
Ich Bin Ein Berlinerthing!
The holething sure looks tasty.
Not just your average donut on a stick.
Why is it holething? Because there is a big hole in the middle? The Chinese character says “Mars”. The shape does not resemble Mars, it looks like “Saturn”
But the great thing is that the Chinese and English sound so similar! Huo Xing. Hole Thing. It’s such a close match that it’s entirely reasonable.
What are they, anyway? Donuts on a stick???
I had to cut back on getting the holething because it was making me the fatthing.
Holethings…is there anything they can’t do?
i’d rather have the halfthing
you can always stick your finger on it….or errr…something else… lol
Holey cow, what a thing!
You make everything groovy.
Chocolateholethingonastick, to be precise
Wow. They just get more and more creative with how they name the foods, huh?
zomg it has many small colorthings! that’s how i like my holethings
Caution: Breaking the signthing carefully will result in being put behind the bar-things.
Mr. Donut’s best seller. The Chinese is not MARS it’s a transliteration for all those foreigners who can’t speak Chinese. HOLE THING sounds like ç«æ˜Ÿã€‚ Mr. Donut’s donuts are too dry but their coffee isn’t so bad!
Now available at a Holefoods near you.
On a woodthing.
these are messy do you have any wipethings?
You want the holething ?
Cause “Donut” was to hard to write right?
HOMG!!! Donut on a Stick! Finally something to go with all those Coffee in a Can’s
I cant believe I ate the Hole Thing!!!
You can get it at Tim Holetons.