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Wow! A shop that has everything including a timewarp.
No thanks. I’m contented with goods I CAN imagine anyhoo.
Hi, do you carry the Mace of Unimaginable Stamina? It’s from the past.
You’re right… I can’t imagine me ever wearing a powdered wig and ruffled collar.
I didn’t know H.G. Wells owned a shop in Tokyo!
The perfect place to buy fitting clothes before warping to another time.
That which is unimaginable cannot have it’s own store.
Must be owned by space aliens
Do they sell daleks?
I can’t imagine goods from the future having sold well in the past…
Check out the sign inside, it says something like “Or King has come!!” Which ties the whole eddie in time together: the shop will stand till king(dom) come!
We’ve come back from the future to bring you some good deals
I’m sorry sir, but we’re sold out of flux capacitors.
you should see their delivery car. a 1983 DMC delorean, original miles and a flux capacator. be sure to tip Marty after he drops off your goods.
I never imagined a trendy store would sell plus sized clothes, but here it is!
and someone has come inside…. and made it public
Would they happen to have an English Police Box in there?
Marty McFry shops here often.
In the year two-thousaaaaand!
Garakura means “rubbish” “useless” and “piles of trush” in Japanese.
No thanks, as I only want to have decent goods.
Guaranteed to your satisfaction. Disclaimer: Must return unwanted goods with receipt prior to their invention.
Gives a whole new meaning to: ‘SALE! LAST WEEK!’
Not sure about their business plan … it might not be wise to raise expectations quite this high.
Unfortunatly, the flux capasitor uses more that 1.21 gigawats, and there has been no lightning storms recently
It’s doctor Who’s retirement plan.
Now selling DeLoreans…
they’re having a sale on all sonic screwdrivers, long scarves, and robotic dogs.
i would buy anything there!
The sign got me pretty riled up – I couldn’t wait to see what sort of “unimaginable goods” they had here. Well, turns out by “unimaginable” they meant that they were so boring they couldn’t possibly be imagined, just made.