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So Its no good for use in a third world country then.
Hey, according to the picture it’s great for heating beer and champagne as well. Nothing relaxes me after work like a nice warm steaming, hot cup of beer.
On sale only at the Police State
48W horsepower puts a little zip in your coffee!
So it heats your drink, recharges your car battery and drives the car and can mate with another coffee that gives offspring?
Engrish.com has outdone it self on this one…
Jeremy Clarkson’s flask – packed with poweeeerrrrr!
Let’s coffee and works hard surplus!
Coffee charge get!
Repeat after me, o writer of this ad:
Noun, verb.
Noun, verb.
Noun, verb.
My head hurts.
Steven Speilberg may like to sign the ad writer for his next movie’s screenplay.
Can be used anywhere…except in economic retarded countries
A $10 award for the one who could decipher the above code.
My coffee has carefreely driven my car into a ditch again.
Coffee has offspring???
If Thomas Savery was alive today, he would have re-defined “Horsepower”
Sounds like someone warmed beer in that mug! 😀
No drink for you!!!
After all that reading, I’m too tired to drink my coffee.
Heating my coffee, I see the clan and open country and I don’t like where it’s taking me. Unplug it! For the love of god unplug it!
This is the Electronics State Police! Put your hands up & drop the mug!
Uh–how does this work again?
That cup is HOT!
If you purchase this mug from a Dodge dealer, it comes equiped with a HEMI.
Long time heat preservation! It preservation you long time!
My brain hurts now…
Hey, I majored in Advance Economic at Electronics State. You can find this at the ES bookstore.
We must uphold the separation of electronics and state…
Over the river and deeply through the open country activity person like
To grandmother’s house we go!
We also recommend the Electronics State Breathalyzer Ignition, to prevent carefreely driving for at least number hours after enjoy the drink.
Finally I can make coffee that is happy and plesed with self – or is that me when I drink it
That first sentence is too long to fit on the escalator.
…From the creators of “Dried Japanese”, comes a new cofee! With the lost children of Sui Chonghao!
I always wanted a coffee mug I could use as an office AND a courtyard!
“So it let’s me hold me drink with one hand… and “enjoy and be pleased with myself,.” I take it involves my free hand? Alright then-OHCRAPI’MSUPOSEDTOBEDRIVING!!”
Yeah I can only imagine how many freak accidents this commuter mug has caused. But at the same time that offspring preservation thing has me sold on its pro-life values.
Someone get this mug’s inventor/ad writer a Nobel Prize!
What a cool 48W levitating cup! Too bad it can only go as far as its cord…
the coffe mug supercharges your purple festiva with an extra 48 horsepower, perfect fo getting to the top of a hill.
i mean coffee
Man, I don’t want to find no “offspring” or nothing like that in my coffee..
48W? That’s like 0.06 Horsepower.
After i’ve read this I’ll surely appreciate the outstanding utility function of my front courtyard
65 C(F)? 65 degrees celsius and fahrenheit? So it heats and makes tepid? What a cup!
“Honey, where did you put the offspring?”
“They with pleasure feeling put into inside cup can long time heat preservation.”
oh good…baby flavored coffee…my fav
I already have a travel mug that lets me works hard and enjoys moment.
Oh! I love electronics with personality!
now that’s what we call “PERFECT GRAMMAR”
So, you can ‘offspring’ into this mug on the way to the sperm bank and it will long time heat preservation. Sweet! I can run errands first!
Finally, I can keep my Colt 45 warm.
“winter piercingly cold at old wind”, “sufficiently fit temperature”, “can keep temperature number hour”, … LMAO!!
This is not just a cup it’s a gazillion-in-1 device! (Heater, Cup, Courtyard, Hotel, School, Office. And it has 48 HP!! But somehow it can heat the contents to 65-degrees (C and F) in 1 hour!!
I wonder if it can drive as well…