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I’d like an order of the French Flies, de-winged please, the peanut, a small salad and so on.
French Flies? Oui?? Ooh la la!
French flies? I’m down with it. As long as they’re not spanish flies…
Other menu items include our world-famous hambooger, Beetle Juice and Angel foot cake. Dericious!
I’d choose the peanut any day!
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Fly: I’m French. Why do think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king.
Sir Galahad: What are you doing on the menu?
French Fly: Mind your own business.
The small salad looks good but I’m not that hungry. I think I’ll just have the peanut.
waiter, there’s shit on my flies!
Veerrry smelly meal!
French flies last seen on an ice-cream laced with extra chunky “special choc” sauce at a cafe Down Under.
I have Charlie Brown.
Pass me the fly swatter and the salad dressing, stat!
The guy on the other table is loaded. He ordered a plate of peanuts!
The worst part is, it might not be a mistake…
Le buzz. . . .
Sausage with Flies is what you get when you don’t buy New Japan Meat.
Japan’s hollywood restaurant. They can eat a couple of flies, one peanut, or a small salad. And if the stars don’t have a man at the moment, there are enough “sausages” availables for them.
Boy how French flies! One minute I was considering ordering light for lunch. Just a peanut and a small salad. But by the time the waiter arrives, I could see how the French I wanted so quickly flies. Guess I’ll settle for a whale dog.
Don’t worry, it’s the Spanish Flies you need to watch out for!
In a circus:
Mother elephant: FInish your peanuts, son.
Mother elephant’s son: Buy why? I don’t like them!
Mother elephant: Because there are starving elephants in Japan who are happy with just one peanut!
Maybe we should eat somewhere else since they’re serving anorexia today.
That’s not even the worst of it. The worst part is that the menu was translated accurately.
Look! its the peanut from the 3rd Pirates of the Caribbean Movie!!! I want its autograph!
Dammit! There’s a fly on my pla- … oh, never mind. Sure beats the freedom flies back home.
Excuse me, but can I get sausage with Spanish flies instead, peanut?
I think I’ll have some Fleedom Flies instead.
Dang! Someone beat me to it!
We decided to settle for the small salad and made the waitress undo the flies!
Waiter! There’s a fly in my soup…oh, never mind…
I think I’ll have some french toad instead.
It was either that or Garbanzo.
Hey, some of us only need one nut to be happy 🙂
…Or, as zee French say, “Mouches Frites”
Gr0wn in a sanitized area.
Don’t you mean, flied potatoes?
Is Jeff Dunham aware of this?
Appetizer A La Johnny Depp.
Alright, alright, you talked me into it. I’ll just go straight to the liquor!
It’s french FRIES, you plick!
If only I could buy flies like that in America. Oh, and how much does 10 peanuts cost?
Charlie Brown!!!! Haha who posted that was an AWESOME one.
Everything’s better in French…
Theyre probably very rude flies….
peanut eh?—anorexics rejoice its a small menu but they have just the thing for ya
Ceci n’est pas une mouche.
Are flies high in calories? Screw it, just give me a peanut.
french flies are so much richer in flavor then those american flies they serve accross the street
Waiter, is it possible to just get a half order of the peanut?
Hmmm…. choices choices…. err…. I think will go with peanut.