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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Oh Good Grief!
Hey, where’s Woofsnock?
Also check out the Adult Engrish of the week!
Photo courtesy of Phil Sholtes.
Found on a child in China.
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Hey, the name’s Snoopy, you BFAGHRT!
Logo of the new chinese child factories “Joe cruel”
Snoofy’s gang, from right to left: Lufy, Charlie Frown, Random Lego Guy without Hair, Lambtron, and Mitchell the De-shelled Mollusk.
It was just a little SNAFU at the screenprinter’s shop.
He could be Spoofy’s friend, judging by the tricky, garbled text in the bottom side of the shirt! 😀
It’s a bad habit to snoof on women’s bosoms!
Don’t forget our dear friend Peppermint Fatty
Drawn by little-known cartoonist Charlf Fultz.
expletive deleted
That bottom line… is he summoning Cthulhu?
The bottom line really gives instructions to the Tourist Infromation center.
And look! It’s Fig Fen and Feffermint Fatty!
The whole Feanuts gang!
rthg hgfhrt hnbvtr bfaghrt to you too, Snoofy. Now if you’d excuse me, I have to go the toilet to foof.
Brandon: More like a SNAPU…
Fhlshliliglon!! Flargblng Ia’fthang! Scvlikilghrarph!
That explains everything! Clearly, “rthg hgfhrt hnbvtr bfaghrt” is what Charlie Brown’s teacher has been saying all this time.
W00t! It’s Peppermint Fatty and Charlie Frown! And Snoofy, too!
Seriously. Does anyone know what it’s supposed to say?
Lynda: because there’s no Chinese text, there’s no way to know.
In China, English writing is sometimes used merely for decoration, not because it says anything meaningful. I’d say this is an example of that.
^actually the pattern of the letters looks familiar to me – what I’d come up with if I randomly banged on the keyboard. Timesaving way to add Engrish! Note that almost all of the letters come from the center of the keyboard, tending slightly to the left. Only one vowel, and it’s an outlier. I’m guessing the “designer” had his right hand on the mouse and was in a rush to meet a deadline.
“Hnfghtr bfartgrt,” said the teacher.
What part of “DRTHG HGFHRT HNBVTR BFAGHRT” don’t you understand?
Fishyfriend is right – those jumbled letters represent what the teachers were saying in class.
Aha, so they’re pronounced to sound a lot like a muted trombone…
Careful where you place your hand Snoofy
It’s The Great Engrish, Charlie Browf!
It’s Feffermint Fatty!
jkfwl poaiw9p skjioawr fijeofwe wqwdjioafe
You schouldn’t sfeak wiff your moufp full
Maybe the bottom line is what the Chinese hear when the Feanuts’ adults talk?
Whatever happened to Spoony?
You mean you people don’t know those Chinese sponsors of Snoofy?
HGFHRT: Hungry Gourmet Fried Hotcakes of Rural Tianjin
HNBVTR: Harry Nan’s Bootleg Video Tape Recordings
BFAGHRT: Big Fried Amazing Glorious Hotcakes of Rural Tianjin (HGFRT’s partner)
Since the RTHG is half covered up, I can only assume it’s one of China’s many Ripoff Tony Hawk Games
My favorite part is the words under “Snoofy!” They obviously thought it looked more professional to have English characters there, but the ones they chose are far more hilarious than any mixed up Engrish I’ve seen!
It seems to me that in Asian cultures, English is cool and trendy but few of the people there speak it. That’s probably why it’s cool to have nonsense written on t-shirts, just like we think t-shirts with Japanese characters on them are cool here.
Snoofy is apparently the beat poet cousin of Snoopy
Ha ha, they mis-spelled Spoony!
The boy in the middle of the row is that seldom-seen Peanuts character Bobby the Blockhead.
Lucy, Charlie Brown … who the hell???
They don’t even know the difference between vowels and consonants? And this must be a counterfeit Snoopy product.
This shows just how little they respect our language and culture.
A few Engrishes ago I ordered a peanut and this is what I get?
i SAID strong christian over tones
Never thought Cthulu had a job designing kid’s shirts.
It’s the poorly-made Chinese knockoff T-Shirt, Charlie Brown!
Don’t forget, when Woodstock talks, it shows up as |||||||||||||||||||. Maybe that last line is the exact phonetic transcription of how the Chinese read that. “We don’t have any idea what it’s supposed to mean, but what the hell!”.
Can I has mouf?
I can’t wait for the Garpield T-shirt.
Correct text is ‘trhyryjuk it’d gnu ddtbg!’