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How much does nature charge per hour?
Sounds like my ex-boyfriend.
Nature comes, and then goes. Just like the guy who died pleasuring himself…he came and went. Sigh…I guess that’s just the nature of the beast!
Just don’t engage in tree bondage in your front yard. I know from experience.
The last time I had sex with dirty nature there was way too much bush.
A nature becomes dirty and goes to the washroom!
I don’t know what it’s trying to say, but the “of”-leaf sold me.
The same can be said of toddlers, puppies, Paris Hilton…
Taking “tree hugging” a little too literally
CAUTION: Don’t stand under the Golden Rain tree. You will be sad.
Let’s naturally dirty!
nature should take a bath
I’ve been sweeping for hours, but there’s always more dirt under this dirt!
I ain’t changing the diaper. That thing is the size of the equator.
We prefer our dirt to be 100% artifical
And then she calls you….
I’m not really dirty, it’s just my nature…
So, mother nature — are you a goer, eh? Wink wink, nudge nudge, saynomore? Are you a dirty, dirty girl, eh?
Hey Nature, u wanna bath? wait she’s gone!
Does nature become dirty and go in the woods?
I can remember when our biggest fear was cows flying…
At least nature is housebroken.
Yeeeeah, that’s what daddy’s talkin about. Dirrty nature. Oh wait don’t go, stay here a whi….. damn.
Do they have this design on a plastic bag?
When “The Nature” goes Coo-Coo!
I wish it would learn to do that outside!
I think the hidden meaning here is “The peaceful nature of lust”…
“Why you no call me?”
thats like asking the beach not to get sandy–what do you mean? whore? can you not say whore?
F’ing hippies.
You guys are missing the point. It’s OBVIOUS that the bag is telling us never to have sex with trees because they go to the bathroom when they get dirty!
It does a number 3.
Nature gone wild!!
Eats shoots and leaves.
Well, if nature calls, you gotta go!
Tree huggers…out of control.
wash your nature, make happy
Goes away, Nature