Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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© 1999 - 2025 Engrish.com. All rights reserved.
Now now don’t be bashful.
And don’t let me catch you WALKING with those scissors!
They chop, they slice, they dice, they make julienne fingers…
Barry “Mr Mohel” Goldbaum’s Circum-Your-Self service: foremost in foreskin since 1977!
The larger poster to the right summarizes how to claim worker’s compensation after you’ve received your “unfortunate” office-supply-related injury..
Vampire’s new way of attracting prey. Emos are a common dish now!
…save us the trouble.
Finally, a store made just for Emos!
and they’ll sew it back together if you pay. That’s how they get you.
excuse me do i look like emo???
Due to a shipping error, we are way overstocked on insurance and it all must go!!!
We have to lay some people off, but the boss can’t make up his mind WHO to let go.
We are just testing to see if our worker’s comp insurance is still active.
And they say I have suicidal tendencies…
How unsanitary! I woud want the unused scissors!
Yeah maybe next time when I’m too emo to live.
… and then sew yourself back up. We can afford the insurance.
You can make all them taxes go away… forever.
But don’t be a cut up.
The gangs in this town are really getting lazy.
Ahhhh….socialized healthcare.
Here use SCSI-sors 😛
Special on circumcisions, This week only!
Now please be receive lawsuit !!
A pair of scizzors: 1 dollar
A set of black clothes: 50 dollars
Cutting yourself: priceless
Welcome to Emo Paradise!
Free Joy Division CD with every pair !!!!
If you are unable to cut yourself, a sales associate will gladly stab you in the back.
Geez, if this is what they tell you to do if you ask if there is a sale, I’d hate to know what they tell you if you ask for a discount.
New stock: Razorblades and skin-tight black denim.
Please cut yourself I was so popular that they had to open a second store!
And remember, its down the highway, not across the road if you want it to work.
Are you sure this is how we file a complaint? Ok…
the lamination is lethal!
we highly encourage self mutiliation!
Somewhere down the food section, a notice read,
They needed more emos in Japan…
No, really … Please!
Uh… No, I’ll pass
30 minutes of free therapy next door, see in store for details.
Tip of the day for Japanese Microsoft Word
i’m an emo where’s the line?…ooops!… hey someone kindly map the floor, its freakin’ wet!…. lol!
The American emos are envious…
Emo children of the world rejoice!!
You don’t have to ask the emo twice!
Stupid emo craze.
i think thats the help desk…they REALLY want to keep there complaint list clean
talking about depressive japanese teenagers
Emo guy: okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If we’re going to lay off employees, we might as well invest in blood transfusions…