Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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We thought that Ben was a “Gal”, now he came out as Gay.
Here in the Bay of Ben Gay, offshore platforms produce over two million barrels of arthritis relief every day.
Our next stop- Bomgay!
India’s best-kept secret health spa for arthritis suffers…
So THAT’s where that comes from…
Well, I’m gonna go get me a husband on the island of Male… it seems far enough from the Bay of Bengay to be safe…
Right next to the “Spot of Icy-Hot”
Zoom between India and Srilanka… you might spot the Palk Strai(gh)t!
It has to come from somewhere.
The peppermint smell carries all the way to Pakistan…
And you thought the Dead Sea had healing properties!
Even fishes want to try something new once in a while
Steer clear of Icyhotbergs.
This is the other “Spice Route”. It goes all the way to the “Egyptian Homos”…
…Having to dive through “Male”, West of there.
Ever since the discovery, retirement villas have sprouted up all over the coastline.
Dip into the Bay of Bengay will sipping some Sri Sanka and munching on a Col-cutta sandwich from the New Deli.
and visit Hemorrhoids Island!
Millions flock to there every year to be healed of their pains.
Right next to the sea of Icyhot.
What a huge mistake! Everyone knows it’s supposed to be Bay of Bengar.
At the Bay of Bengay, be SURE to bring plenty of Aspercreme!
That place is tight!
Engrish really has gone global.
Climate change. Bay of Bang-gal becam Bengay!
And you thought low tide smelled bad in New Jersey?!?
I think this got such a low rating because half the people don’t even know what Bengay is and they think it’s just some stupid joke about homosexuality. I tell you what, I laughed out loud at this one. Imagine the Bay of Bengal filled with Bengay instead of water. That’s simultaneously disgusting and hilarious!
@SAMbo: That must be the reason. I thought it was hilarious too!
This time it’s really Global warming! I swear!
Well, it’s the color of Bengay i guess xD I wouldn’t buy that globe if it smelled like it =)
If you liked your trip to Bengay, you should visit Hung Dong!
Wow…product placement has been taken to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL
I went there one time. There were lots of elderly guys.
so THATS where the fountain of youth is
shoulda known it was gimmick
lol i herd that wasnt nice to ben but it is soo funny
Something about Bengay up the ass isn’t exactly pleasing so best not to go swimming in there!
Learn from me; wear goggles when swimming in the Bay of Bengay. It burns! It burns!
That cool peppermint…is this how they’re fighting global warming?