Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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and her two tickling sticks
So, would you like to come with me tonight to my favorite bar? It’s “loose night”!
Just be glad you didn’t get Ms. Dirty Sanchez.
Um, can’t I just have a regular, non-submissive maid?
Just don’t expect her to clean your room.
One of my coworkers is Thai and her name is “Wannaporn”.
I knew a Ms. Butt. Fo reals. I wonder if they know one another?
Just one of the many services we provide…
Could be worse… it could be Ron Jeremy.
Don’t get too excited, she only lets you watch her clean, fakes the dusting, then charges your credit card $29.95 a month afterwards.
Porn’s actually a pretty common Thai name. There’s a restaurant in Hamburg called Porn’s Kitchen. I’d send it in, but it’s in German.
Wow! The other hotel only gave me a complimentary breath mint on my pillow!
When hotel wars go bad…
Sigh. Guess I will HAVE to leave a tip this time.
she does wonders with that dusting stick!
whats her first name i wonder……?
Now *that’s* what I call service! 😉
[Guest picks up phone and calls reception:]
Guest: Excuse me…Is there a channel for mature audiences on my TV?
Reception: Please to call immediateley the chambermaid with vigour, sir. 🙂
It’s an unfortunate spelling of a common name. “Porn” means “blessing” in Thai. I’ve also seen “Porn Club” (a restaurant) in downtown Bangkok once.
“Please take advantage of our chamber maids.”
If Ms. Porn is unavailable, we will send up Ms. B. Haven in her place.
And my wife wonders why I always want to travel the Orient Express mmmwwwwaaaahhhaaaahhhhaaaa
You know she is actually working her way through college…
The sex trade IS active in Thailand!
If you’re willing to pay $69 per day for her to clean and dust your room, then go ahead.
my friend is from thialand, and her name is tachporn, but its actually pronounced tack-pon, so im guessing the R is slinet
I bet Mr. Porn is hung like a horse!
i know what your parents is watching all the time…
Why are you so happy, Ms. Porn? And who’s that guy over there? Mr. Porn? Oh I see… And that guy with the huge camera?!? And THOSE PEEPS BEHIND THE PLANT?!?! WHY ARE YOU UNZIPPING MY PANTS?!?!? NOOO!!! I AM WAITING FOR MARRIA- Oh….
In Thai, the “or” is pronounced like “aw;” it’s just a bad transliteration.
I’ll take Mr. Porn, thank you.
Playboy goes for the homey look!
Wow chick-a-wow-wow.
For our guests with maid-outfit fantasies.
Maid at the playboy mansion
A maid who leaves the place dirtier than when she came in.
The only hotel that has signs requesting maid service and DO NOT DISTURB at the same time.
Her license plate holder reads: “Porn’s the name, (censored)’s the game”
She’ll be glad to service you.
Free DVD for those over the age of 18
If you think the maid is “rude”, you should see the manager!
I clean your room long time…
So what. i miss porn too!
it’s cleaning time already? but i just got here, oh well
How is a chick with the last name Porn not married? Cmon Thai guys!!!
if shes trying to keep her two profesions seperate boy oh boy did she pick a bad name
Porn in thai directly translated means beautiful
I live in Thailand. Porn is actually a really common name. It’s pronounced ‘Pahn’. It’s just an unfortunate translation…
At least she’ll change the sheets for you when she’s done!
“Unfortunate translation” is quite an understatement…