Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Welcome Is Made!
What’s up with the long lines?
posted on 14 Nov 2008 in Chinglish
Also check out the Adult Engrish of the week!
Photo courtesy of Barak Llewellyn.
Found in Chengdu, China.
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Is that you, Larry Craig?
Guys, I’m unzipping my pants for a different reason….
Paging George Michael…
There’s just a tree and some other outdoor stuff in there.
Must be 21 to enter…
2 minute wait! HAR HAR
Want to jiggle the handle?
good to see you Boy George.. maybe not..
Why isn’t this free soap on the walls foaming?
Wanna come jiggle the handle?
Too bad we can’t see what it says on the WOMENS’ restroom sign…
They have to refill the condom machine 5 times a day…
Brian, who cares about the sign, I want to see the inside.
Wanna jiggle the handle?
Hey! The balloon machine is empty!
I bet the handicapped stall is labeled “Wide Stance.”
I thought that was in the Minneapolis airport.
You’re guaranteed to fall into this one!
JOE: Hey, Fred, there’s nothing in this stall.
FRED: That’s because it’s your turn…
I bet I know what the toilet paper roll hangs from.
I give you their newest accessory, the vibrating toilet seat.
Why not come on in big boy!
I swear, I’m really NOT “looking for a good time”!
Micheal Jackson is inside…. i think ill wait out here
Is that where they found Larry Craig?
Out of the closet and into the stall.
This is where most of our future political scandals meet & greet.
I see Larry Craig and George Michael, but where are the Joe Orton jokes?
It was at this point the Corporation of London realised that having one set of public lavatories serving both Chinatown *and* Old Crompton St. wasn’t exactly one of their better ideas…
Soooooooooo “kulit”B-D:P
Warning: This toilet is not for homophobics.
25 cents for 10 minutes.
George Michael can finally do his “business” without fear of arrest…
Better than the male sex port-a-loo.
For coming and going.
I gotta pee!
It’s not just the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport, I see.
only 25 cents!
Need to get one of these for my house when the Mrs. is away.
do they give reach arounds?
Heh, just imagine all the little American kids on vacation that had to sh*t and piss their pants because their up-tight prudish parents wouldn’t let them near a toilet in Asia after seeing this.
Heeeyyyyy… just what *is* that stuff in the soap dispenser? What?! Oh, God… NO!!!
Why do i feel I am back in Vegas?
Please flush the t0ilet after use.
Wierd.i am not g@y but i cud use some men secks
hmm…I dont think men have “slits”…but i tihnk they have “fingers”?
first toe tap invitation made here
Hmm…Are women permitted to watch?
George Michaels favortie toilet 🙂