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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Please keep your feet behind the lunar line…
posted on 5 Nov 2008 in Chinglish
Craters are larger than they appear…
Photo courtesy of Taylor Sabo & Michael Black.
Sign found in China.
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Do not exit from moving moonlander.
That first one’s a doozy.
The other sign in the back roughly translates to “Do not start fires”.
… I didn’t know you can start a fire on the moon…???
Caution: Jumping cow crossing
Do not start fire or you will not be able to step to moon!!
Houston we have a problem. Apparently playing hopscotch on the moon -was- a bad idea after all.
Run giant reap for mankind.
For your safety, please use the Moonwalk
That’s one small, careful step for man…
“One of these days Alice…”
Now I understand what he meant when he said “I love you to the moon and back” … He left.
What kind of sick joke is this, I thought you meant the lunar moon not some fat guys hairy……
Fry’s in the buttermilk,
Shoo, fry, shoo,
Fry’s in the buttermilk,
Shoo, fry, shoo,
Fry’s in the buttermilk,
Shoo, fry, shoo,
Step to the moon, be careful
Step, step, step to the moon
Step, step, step to the moon
Step, step, step to the moon
Step to the moon, be careful
The Eagle has landed! Oops at the wrong place.
Why reach for the stars when you can step to the moon?
To the moon, Alice!
One o’ these days, Alice, ONE A’ THESE DAYS!!!
So that’s how they got to the moon in 1969.
What is this sign for? The minefield?
Step to the moon
Jive to the sun
Samba to the stars
But no smoking while doing so
Seriously man. If the moon is giving you sh*t, you gotta step to that fool. But be careful, he’s one crazy sonnuva b@#ch.
Hello China, this is Neil Armstrong. I uhhh … didn’t mean it literally, you’re gonna need to rethink your space program.
One of these day Alice, POW! Step to the moon!
You wanna step to this? Do ya?!
Fry me to the moon
Step me to the moon…
Be careful not to step in any moon pies.
Ever since we lassoed it, it’s a smaller step than usual.
That’s it! I’m tired of these mother f’king snakes on this mother f’king moon!
That’s one giant leap for mankind and one small step for man, cuz I just sprained my ankle…
The honeymooners go international.
Alice, read the sign.
What is in that cigarette?
Stop the moon, I wanna give a giant leap out!
A journey of a thousand AU begins with a single step.
The Japanese space program has had a few budget cuts…
Watch your step in case of monkeys are there!
Try to go to the bathroom before you leave.
…it’s a doozy.
Step to the moon. Be careful….. because of monkeys
One giant leap…
Neil Armstrong was here.
Caution:A cow could jump over the moon with a deadly spoon…Be uncareful.
rockets need not apply
This is where Michael Jackson learned to walk.
Mind the Gap!
…and the cow jumped over the moon.
Warning: death is possible from lack of oxygen if you stay for more than an hour!