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Move over Mr Hanky, the Christmas Poo, from South Park – Toilet Man is here to save the day!
I am NOT shaking your hand.
Don’t use the toilet-kid, or Chris Hansen will show up.
You have but to activate the toilet-signal, and he’ll dash to the scene to dispense liquid soap and solid justice!
His comics are perfect bathroom reading.
(in best Jack Nicholson:) Where does he get those wonderful toilets?
Crusader against the downward spiral of corruption and crap!
My mother told me to be careful of people like that.
And if there’s no toilet paper left, you may use his cape.
He has reoccuring nightmares of being flushed.
Toilet Man wanted the name “The Toiletnator” But Lou got first dibs.
Faster than Mr Plumber … Stronger than Liquid Dran-o … able to leap a Johnson’s Port-o-Let in a single bound …
“Holy Crap, Toilet-Man! The Tidibowl Man is getting away!”
Toilet Man, Toilet Man, does whatever a toilet can, flushing crooks down the tubes, look out, here comes Toilet Man!
NEVER say “Toilet man” three times in a row, or you’ll get flushed…
#1 (and #2) Superhero!
Toilet Man and Johnny Boy! Wiping out injustice in the cesspools of society!
You know he’s been there when the lid is left up…
Since the invention of auto-flush toilets, his career has been circling the drain…
Stan Lee is getting thin on ideas, isn’t he?
Finally, a hero for those everyday emergencies!
Ah, the secret identity of Joe the plumber!
Superman uses the phonebooth to change….Hang on to your knickers! Toiletman bursts forth from the public toidy!
A man flush with virtue – but you still don’t want to piss him off.
Toilet Man: He beats the crap out of evildoers.
It’s a bird, it’s a plane… it’s Toilet-Man! Able to leap tall port-a-podies in a single bound!
Coming soon to a stall near you! You’ll thrill as Toilet-man, with his Super Disinfectant Power, battles his arch-nemesis, Potty-mouth! (Rated R for language and bathroom humor)
Toilet-Man: Guardian of the male sex toilet.
Also known as Flush Gordon…
ç”· = man
å«ç”Ÿ = hygiene
é—´ = room
Men’s restroom, as is now clear.
Ew-I think I ran into him in a public bathroom in a train station in Rome.
He was some creeper old guy in a grey coat and I think he put
his hands down his pants when I went to the urinal.
EWWWWWW-I feel so violated.
When Larry Craig comes lurking into the Male Sex Toilet, looking for trouble, Toilet Man is there to save the day!
@B3llit0- As if it weren’t clear before?
It’s a dirty job, but somebody’s gotta do it.
No wonder the toilet is so unusually sparkling clean! It’s the toilet-man who is doing all the maintainence!
Also, and no one ever dares to vandalize it, ’cause he’s big and mean too! 😀
What’s wrong, Toilet Man? You look a little flush.
Noooooo, Mr. Toilet-Man!!!!
(seen Look Who’s Talking Too?)
Toilet-man… and his faithful sidekick douche-boy!
Saving the day, one swirlie at a time.
When duty calls, Toilet Man means business!
Toilet-Man is the #1 hero! And #2!
Wish his faithful companion Urinal-boy!
With his faithful companion Urinal-boy!
“Mooom.. there is something, err someone in the toilet,
now I can’t go anymore” 🙁
It is a little known fact that Joe Orton tried his hands at comics befor ehis death…
(Well, I complained about the lack of Joe Orton jokes on the Male Sex Toilet, so I figured I had to pick up the slack.)
Oh, and for the movie adaptation, George Michael can perform the theme music. (I almost said he could do the theme music, but combining “toilet’ “George Michael” and “do” seemed to send the wrong message.)
Sorry for all the typos. That should read:
It is a little known fact that Joe Orton tried his hand at comics before his death.
One day I will learn to type.
Michael Jackson’s alter ego…
it’s a floater… it’s a brown bomber… it’s toilet man!
Is anyone else singing ” toilet man” to the tune of ‘Particle Man’ here or is it just me?
With great power comes great responsibility.
At this point,Dr. Wily just gave up.