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Amen to that!
All praise the Holy cutomers!!
god’s favorite restaurant….. until he tried the sushi down the street.
Pope John Paul ll was a regular!
My tailor used to go there… till he attained nirvana…
Holy Lord of Customers, they’re going to close the end of the month!
All the High Lord Customers were saddened when the learned they wouldn’t be served peasents…. by peasents anymore.
I will always remembrance the dearing of the employees with a warmly hearted!
All the costumers will also miss their patronage…
Please remember to bring your Holy Lord costumes with you when we reopen.
This restaurant was pretty successful until God Burger opened across the street.
Prease forgive us as we frog and punish.
Holy Crap, they’re closing!
With the “remembrance” bit being reference to what happened to those who ordered the bacterium with chicken…
1st Commandment: The Holy Lord of Customers is Always Right
“We always miss all of our customers… but our aim is getting better!”
I just ordered the spaghetti and now the chef wants my number…
Probably got shut down after their hundredth restraining order.
“yes I will miss the restaurant too… you can let go now…”
Oh, Holy Lord of Customers, patron saint of patrons…
We are closing, thanks to our customers!
I think I figured out the reason they are closing… customer is always singular.
So now we know where the gods hang out…
God was trying it on with Isis at the tapas bar, Isis disregarded him, to which Ra came and beat God’s ass for having a go at his girlfriend…
Ares is digging the revenge dish of the day, and Thor is hammering his steak – it’s too thick, you know.
And the Holy Lord of Customers took the plate in his hand. He blessed it, gave it thanks and praise, and said, “Take this, all of you, and eat from it. This is the plate from Trattoria Valdarno. Do this in remembrance of me.”
When Thesaurus’ attack!!!
“And the Lord spoke to the overclingy staff and their restaurant and said ‘Be You closed!'”
My husband has a big enough God complex as it is………….
No, no, they only like thanking half their customer!!
LOL, they have really bad punctuation too!!
You know what they say in retail:
‘the customer is always God’
Closing? But the service was so good!
Holy Lord of Customers, Batman!
Join with our resturaunt?!
Holy Lord of Customers?!
What kind of creepy ass, cultist resturaunt is this?
Todays special: Prime rib burnt offering with a side of slaw
No wonder they have to close only serving ghosts and all, whats the exchange rate on ecto plasma these days?
Finally, good customer service! I like being a Holy Lord of Customers.
Note: Be view our Lord Italian menu for similar equally strange no sense.
first class example of idolatry..
“We always rememberance all of our customers”? Did they all die or something?!?
Wow. I just usually remembrance things in my notepad in every time. Or I write it on my warmly hand.
Thoust Holy Lord God, Kind of the Universe, He Our Patron or Customer, has always held us in his loving warmly heart.
Yes…thank you…I will rememberance you too…can you let go now?
They could at least try to be polite when closing … some people just are so rude and disrespectful !
Trattoria Valdarno,…where the customer is always God
with english like that, no wonder they’re closing…
bring forth the holy water
tonights dinner shall be wine and little wafers
I think I saw this restaurant in the “my lord” food court…
i came to join there restaraunt every time
they used to have the best siliva chicken here, the meat and plastic wasnt bad either
What? A simple “Crosed” wouldn’t suffice?
to dear .. or not to dear !! this is the question…lord i appologize
i want to eat there….
thats really depressing. im gonna miss the holy lord.