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Square cookies have always been very honest…
Ya mean they aren’t relial?
Fair and square !
Now, with fun new “Widescreen Edition” shape!
Really: they’re neither.
Really delicial… no yolking!
or not. really. but they’re yolk. promise.
Mom! What’s for desert? — There’s , ice cream and delicial Yolk Cookies! –Yay!!!
Hey hip cat, like these cookies are out of sight ya dig! Don’t be square, uptight and out of sight. Really man, these delicial cookies will blow your mind!
Really, eh? Sorry, I still can’t believe you, after selling me those rectangular cookies. You promised me square cookies!
Really they are 100% filled with melamine.
Automated Operator: You are the two thousand four hundred and twenty-fifth person to call about our square cookies. We know they are rectangle. Its just our logo on the package. But if it worries you that much, heres a tip. Cut… the damn cookie… in half. Have a nice day and thank you for calling.
Stop trying to convince me they’re square when I know they’re rectangular! What is this, some kind of yolk?
They seriously ARE delicial–no yolk!
They’re delicial! I’m very very serial about this!
Really! Square to God and hope to die!!!
He had always loved baking and was never more proud than when he established his own cookie brand.
Still, his failures in geometry class would come back to haunt him…
I’m saving this to Del.ici.al.
*Really does not imply actual squarness of cookie. Actual squareness may vary.
Just be grateful they don’t make Rubik’s Cubes.
I’m guessing they’re also virgins.
…no yolk!
Seriously. Square. They may not look it right now, but they’re just a bit wide in the hips. I PROMISE they’re square. WHY DON’T YOU BELIEVE ME?
Fineprint * square only when placing two delicial yolk cookies together.
Otherwise it just refers to what you will become if you eat them!
I don’t know what a square is…but I know WHO a square is! Hahaha!
(a quote from Sesame Street)
Its chip to be square!
They’re delicial!
ah, those cookies are for squares
For that Square Someone in your life…
The shape of a biscuit is a massive selling point … I suppose ??
they are super duper cereal
they aren’t delicial, they’re awfical.
Seriously, these square cookies are delicial!
never mind the fact that they’re actully rectangular… they’re delicial and natural! really!
Really square cookies are delicial!
mmmmmmm delicial!
Like wow, daddy-o these cookies are just so square. What a drag! Let’s go down to the cafe for some hip cookies, man. Craaazy!
those don’t look delicial. or square. or yolk. what happened to the time where you could eat a NICE, ROUND NORMAL COOKIE without someone shoving THIS in your face?
Get the yolk you squares?