Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Then it is fine.
posted on 30 Oct 2008 in Signs
That cashier is staring at me again…
Photo courtesy of Elisabeth Radhe.
Found in a shopping center in Obihiro, Hokkaido Japan.
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One wedgieburger please!
Complimentary candy for kids 5 and under, available inside the van out back.
Right next door to the Perv Store.
one candy coated psycho-pedo-rapist and hold the moustache please.
Stop staring at the CREPE pizza, you creep !!
oooh, free trenchcoat when you buy 6 pizzas!
A.K.A. Kiddy Porn Store
I’d like a large stalker with extra harassment and a yogurt pepsi.
that italian gelato gives me the crepes!
Jason is working as the cashier there.
Neverland snack bar! Don’t mind Bubbles.
Todays special: buy an exhibitionist now and get a stalker for free….for the rest of your life…
They just called and they’re all outta YOU.
It’s actually just the home of super s-s-l-l-o-o-o-o-w-w service…
CASHIER: Okay, that’s one Michael Jackson Thriller Shake, two Peewee Herman popcorns, and a Roman Polanski cherry fritter?
CHESTER: *drool* heheh, oops, my overcoat just came undone…
CASHIER: Eeek! I really should come to expect this.
Neon signs – cheep
“If you use crummy words, people will think you’re a creep,” said Wally to the Beaver.
Thank you, come again… or else!
Get yer creeps!
We gotcha shifty-eyed neighbors
We gotcha facebook stalkers
We gotcha smelly homeless guys
Starting at 380 bucks a pop
Creeps– part of this complete breakfast.
This arose from the transliteration of クレープ (look at the shop signs and you’ll find it). When you have a lengthened vowel in Japanese, it’s transliterated with a macron, which would make the sign read something like crÄ“p. The alternative to this, if a macron can’t be used or isn’t desired, is to double the vowel. クレープ = kurÄ“pu or kureepu: creep.
Our employees are specially trained to follow you around and leer at you! Heavy, wordless breathing added upon request.
Look Chester its your favorite resuraunt!
If you want to order delivery no need to call! Just ask the guy under your bed!
Notice how there’s an emergency exit right next to the shop…
So I creep, yeah… just keep it on the downlow, cuz nobody’s supposed to have Italian Gelato. Oh, so I creep.
How many jokes exist about this now?
we deliever to your house!
the cashier is staring at me again… O.O…<..>…
O, good.
i was wondering where I could get all my creeps.
I was starting to run low.
I’m just gonna sit in the dark corner here and caress myself and drool while you lick your gelato if you don’t mind
that’s where my friends came from! 😀
Well, it’s in the red-light district…
The employees are so scary! O__O
i dont WANT anything and stop leering at me
Hello! You welcome to Creep Shop. We all love creeps. You want Creep to sell you gelato or crepe?
Employees are known here as “creepers”
Good God man, we do NOT sells crepes here! Stop asking!
Can I get the Michael Jackson, but can I get it with a side of Thom Yorke -instead- of Marilyn Manson?
Ordering creeps with *THE POWER OF TEAMWORK!!!!!!1!!!!!!111one!eleven*
buy a crepe and i’ll throw in a free creep. he’ll stalk you and make your life creepy!
we accept all major credit cards and freshly worn panties!
All my ex boyfriends on display and for sale!!! :))))
creeper: hello ma’am, do you have a cell phone i can use
me: yeah i… hey who are you?
creep: i’m the creep. i stare at people and make them feel uncomfortable until they buy something.
me:well, i’ll be leaving and not coming back…