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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Ball house toy from China…
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Much more fun than a Nothing Can…
This fall: Which kindergartener can survive being voted out of…the Ball House!
Side text: “To be highly praised and apprecialed by consuming public”
Testimonial on back: “I are publically consumed your balls, and find them to been worthy of praise in highly.”
Ball House am almost always eventually right.
Don’t laugh at the Engrish – this is an improvement. The first draft was returned… apparently the “Ball Sack” for ages 1-3 wasn’t selling so well.
If the housing market gets much worse, I’ll be moving in there with that kid.
From the makers of Crotch Tent
BALL HOUSE!!!! Two babies enter, only one exits!
crawling is for babies! comme to my house, we’ll play with my balls instead.
Nothing can WHAT instead? Pfft, babies…
Where are the big balls? These are not big enough for me to grope!
Delivers hours of fun scratching…
Gotta say, the kid IN the ball house doesn’t look terribly happy.
Probably trying to figure out what the heck his younger sibling is talking about…
Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball House
Maybe they are waiting for the 22nd century design before introducing walls.
I know nothing can me instead!
I try instead with other toy – no joy made result of my action! Once own, nothing can instead!
The bride was angry when she arrived at her reception to discover that her new husband had rented the ballhouse instead of a ballroom for their wedding reception.
“So that’s why it was so much cheaper!” The groom said.
Needless to say, it was a tight squeeze for the 100 guests.
UGNH! There’s no ball room in this ball-house!!
Delivered to you by Balls R Us
All new enter! All old keep out!
Proof that babies can talk; they just can’t form coherent sentences.
Gotta catch ’em all!
“This week in news, the ball pit strikes again by consuming public who were “appreciative” and “praised” the item.”
Not actually a toy but the new ingenious trap for catching Pedophiles
“Best Product People’s (Republic) Favourite!”
Prototype originally from the USSR.
Abandon hope all new who enter.
now conveniently packaged in a colourful ball sac
Free child with every M&M Dispenser.
But if what once own I satisfied not?
Those kids do NOT look like they are having fun in that ball house; maybe they should’ve received a foot saloon instead.
My baby just got pregnant
balls mmmmmmm love id to in play them
That’s nice Honey, but where did all our other stuff go…?
Boy, kids in China start using bad English early, eh?
Latest housing project in China.
youve heard of house of wax? well this is the house of balls every where you turn you will have a ball in you face 😛
This thing’s balls.
The kid uses LOLcats speak. I swear the next thing he’s going to say is “Can I haz cheezburger” or “do not want”
It looks like this kid was photo shopped into the “house”.
aka house of scheweddy balls
For help in catching those pesky neighbor hood babies.
My boyz need a home! -Kramer
No you misheard me. I said Great ‘WALL’ of China.
Silly China! Babies cant talk!
also available for dogs with crotch-sniffing tendancies.
since I owned nothing else can
“To be highly praised and appreciated by consuming public”. I don’t even know what to say to that…”To be”? That seems a tad assumptive.
once own, nothing can instead
my bet for most nonsensical engrish!
Let’s happy make.