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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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This is the good stuff!
posted on 13 Aug 2008 in Chinglish
Do not bend, fold or hurl…
Photo courtesy of Nadia Redder.
Amenity found in mini bar in Hangzhou, China hotel.
‘Puke’ is supposed to mean ‘poker’.
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Only harvested from the finest Supermodels.
NEW! Chunk free!
Harvested daily from college frat houses across the nation and shipped straight to you!
Yeah the low grade stuff is way acidic and it’s from amateurs.
Hey! That was what we got last year for our Christmas “bonus!”
Finally! The low grade puke just makes me sick.
it’s because it’s not the fake plastic stuff…..
Now MSG-free.
Freshly sifted and strained!!
because sometimes mid-grade puke just isn’t good enough…
Noone has noted that it is in fact “Non-Complimentary” Puke. Because as we all know they don’t just give away the high grade stuff.
this side up-chuck…
you get what you pay for !
For the puke connoisseurs of the world…
This is good because my right mouse button (RMB) 1.0 is just made of plastic.
how much for the best quality puke???
where do these pukes came from?! send me some
Probably contains melamine.
any beer in it?
“Non-complimentary, Holmes?” “It means no longer alimentary, my dear Watson.”
Do they come in pizza boxes?
now in baby white drunk dad brown!
“Eat recycled food. It’s good for the environment, and OK for you.”
It might be revolting, but I am now insanely curious to see a mass manufacturing plant…
Medium-grade puke is almost as good as high-grade puke but cheaper, so I prefer to buy that instead.
Not that low class puke, this is the fancy stuff!
from our bulimia farm!
Wonderful! Now I can regergitate to my bird-young with the stuff of legend!
For those moments when you need to throw up on the big boss…
These are decks of laying cards!
as opposed to the low grade diarrhea down the aisle…
Rainbow shower party starts 7pm sharp… ladies drink free till 9pm, guys non-complimentary…
fr0m Brangelina’s twins!
New “Go Green” type also avaliable for those earthlovers!
i prefer mine extra chunky
100% pure pre-pasteurized bulimic product!
We’ve got a slogan, now we need a title.
non-complimentary high grade puke
it spews forth only abuse…..
If you can’t come up with your own. Order some!
Non-complimentary? I don’t know, when I wore this puke on my shirt last night, I got a LOT of compliments!
Yeah, other puke may tell you that you have nice eyes, but this high-grade puke thinks It’s better than you.
Non-complimentary? You can say THAT again. This puke told me I was a “total git” and that it wouldn’t be caught dribbling down my chin and shirt if I had the last chin and shirt in the universe.
Hey Mr. high-grade puke, you look vaguely familiar… did I date you or something?
Oh wait, now i remember where I met you before: you’re the bloke who tole me ’bout a month ago: “due to lack of work, we have to lay you off”
To be fair, “puke” is the pinyin for cards in Chinese.
non-complimentary..you have to buy it…
Expect no Compliments…Not from the Puke
influenza brand puke promises you only the finest quality selection of partially-digested foods. only avalible during flu season
Fresh from virgin hot springs.
That’s $100 worth of Crown Royal and stomach acid in there. Good times, good times.