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If I harm the garden you get 500$ fine.
If anything happens I will be convienently blamed.
They’re after you too huh?
Mother Nature–can’t trust her
Sir, your garden has repeatedly threatened my nature preserve.
Zach the toxic gardener would eventually get his comeuppance.
“…this one over-oxygenates ponds, oh and this one give acidosis to deer”
I’m my own worst enemy….
Beware of me and my garden!
We are currently administering the garden Prozac
Especially the Eden…
But not from me….
Stop me before I till again!
who new gardens were so dangerous?
But always never forget to brush your.
In communist China, plants ea-
… I can’t do this.
2 days later…
***NEWS FLASH*** The garden ate too many of the opium poppies and other illegal plants it was growing, and went on a rampage… Casualties currently stand at 1, with only Me being listed as injured…
And if I become out of control, use this gun.
if our enemies get too bold, I suggest erecting many shrubberies along the borders. That’ll keep them in check for sure!
Beware! The triffids come…
So I CAN dump this toxic waste here?
Please to beware of disgruntled garden.
oh, so it behaves badly once and suddenly its OUR garden, eh?!
Sounds like the story of Genesis…
HAHA!! Now the garden and me have teamed up to murder mother nature!! NOTHING can stop us n- HELP ME I DONT WANNA HURT MOTHER NATURE!!
I’m just not good with plants…
So thats where the tainted food has been coming from…..
The Garden has spoken…
LOL!!! protect the enviroment from me and from our garden… The garden will hurt the envirorment by giving oxygen!! NO ONE WANTS OXYGEN!!!
Hey! Protect your OWN environment.
Thats’ what u get 4 making Little Shop of Horror
The second largest threat to are garden is itself… it has quite the self esteem problem
The daisies are gonna get us!
Because I may like the garden now, but I just know that I’ll flip out at some point.
Because I hate the environment. And so does this garden.
damn those unenviromentaly friendly gardens
I’m not a vegetarian because I love animals, I’m a vegetarian because I hate plants!
We have carnivorous plants, apparently…
And then he unleashed the dreaded Audrey3 *made in taiwan* …. the vegetarian bunny hugging version who rampaged over innocent gardens everywhere!!!!
Interesting, but the Chinese version of the sign reads the same. Who wrote it?
oh my god! get the lawnmower before the garden attacks!!!
Feeeeeeeed me Seymour!!!
Me and my garden are a danger to the environment
The environmental Policies of Chinese Government
There are bigger, hungrier things then Venus Flytraps in here…
The Little Shop of Horrors?
direct translation at its worst
Dang, those drunken climbers are at it again!
I see the garden, has spoken…
OHHHH! So close. Almost had that one you wacky Japanese.