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Just plug and play…
Looks like we can still mate with the animal, score!
True story, they actually have these signs in San Diego…
Dunno what that says about India.
Dunno what that says about San Diego…
At least you’re still allowed to pat their animals
ok..can i maybe just pleat the animal???..or put a bit of ball fringe on it?
well lets just take all the fun out of living shall we?
no malesting animals? aaaaaaaaaaawwwww poor micheal jackson
This begs the question – who is Harry, and is he molested so much that there needs to be a sign to raise awareness?
I’m under the impression that maybe I should just beat Badger Harry with a stick.
No molesting? awwww…
It’s amazing the discrimination against animal molesters these days.
Ah, I guess this animal has feeling like us doesn’t it?
BUT HEY! We can feed these ones!
This board betrays the perverted desires of the authors unhealthy love for animals!
What must be clarified is that this sign is a two-parter. The first part pleads you to not annoy, torment, pester, molest, worry, or badger Harry. It then instructs us to, as an alternative, go ahead and harass, hackle, persecute, irk, rag, vex, bother, tease, nettle, tantalise or ruffle the animal. So it’s okay guys, we’re just not supposed to leave Harry alone, we can do whatever we want to the animal, which is fair game.
But can i eat the animals?
is Barney here?
If you do however end up nettling the animal .. make sure you dock leaf it afterwards
Can’t we just eradicate them?
like i would want to molest an animal…………actually i would =D
oh good, i can still lather, rinse, and repeat 😀
Wow, I didn’t even think of half of all these. Thanks for the protip 8D
Well what do you expect us to do? Look at them?
Actually the translation is perfect. It’s the same as the Marathi sign below. The words are repeated to give more emphasis and to make it appear as a stronger warning.
Damn, my evil plans to ruffle the animals have been foiled!
you have reached maximum time for this message BEEP
Is gorging on the animal frowned upon too?
I guess I can pet, poke, and possibly feed the animal then.
Well..can we LOOK at it??
They forgot rape
A sign to claim your man to yourself.
And I suppose said animal will give a detailed report if I do? What if I gently kid it, but it’s in a foul mood and claims I “teased”? Whose word wins in a court of law?
i guess i’ll just have to settle for assault
just sit quitly and be bored as hell
you can still bribe them
However, okay to feed THIS animal with your private. Just not the fishes.
But they didn’t ask me not to piss them off!
The animal behind the fence is a chicken. They’re afraid it will become rude or unreasonable, in which case, in accordance with a business deal between the zoo and a certain Chinese restaurant, they lose the chicken.
funny how they treat animals better than people in india isnt it
How bout agitate? can I still do that?
Don’t worry officer, all I did was insult, bewitch, poach, belittle, coax, feed, annihilate, defenestrate, prognosticate, trick, flick, kick and lick the animal. But I will openly admit that I badgered Harry, however.
Is that Arabic text below?
why can’t i molest them???
dang i really wanted to molest that billy goat over there
Man, I was looking forward to persecuting that penguin…
@Sandor: Of course not. It’s Devanagari script (I guess). It’s in INDIA anyway.
why If it was arabic Script…………. you had some comments in your mind???????????????
hmm… since they didnt add “Hunt” to the list…
its Hunting Season!!!
Your honor, my client was not harassing the animal, he was pestering it. Clearly he was acting within the code of conduct.