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they also forgot: piss off, bug, nag, crucify, plague, provoke, hassle, perturb, and push their buttons.
Woah, Nettle!?
Relaxed sign to be aiming at real viscous mans.
I can stil:
-eat it
-burn it
-disolve it
-dissasemble it
-blow it up
-deflate it
-shread it
-stampede it
as long as you dont upset it, you could doo al this!
perhaps i can kiss the animal, or mate with it?
Badger badger badger badger …
Mushroom, mushroom!
Picky animal. Can I cook it?
Hey! Get away that cage! I telled you tourist ready, no tantalize aminal!
Please to leave the thesaurus alone too! I thanking you, grateful, pleased, obliged, appreciative, indebted, beholden, your servant sir. Animals feel same.
Is there anything we -can- do to the animal?
how do you “badger harry” an animal?
I wasn’t going to irk it anyway, sheesh…
It vexes me… I’m terribly vexed.
Molesting the animal is bad.
Warning: Badgering the raccoons may lead to severe injury
Hob-knockers!!!!!( touches animals)
*sigh* Fine, I guess I’ll go somewhere else to Badger Harry the animals, then.
………………………….I’ll make sure not to harry the animals then….
I really wanted to ruffle that badger 🙁
How do you “worry” the Animal? What is the Animal is particularly sensitive or is sufferring from paranoia or depression? Would that be a legitimate defence that would stand up in Animal Court?
ok, i’ll just urinate or deficate on the damnd things instead.
yeah yeah im not doing anything listed on the sign, im just poking it with the sharp stick!
but… will it blend?
Do not badger the badgers.
They forgot to include: “Do not Sodomize”…
dammit! they took the best ones! I’ve only got ‘displease’ left now!
Sign posted at all U.S DMVs.
Damn, I really wanted to badger that badger…
means that i can:
1. feed the animal
2. kill the animal.
3. cook the animal
How do you worry an animal? Must be those existentialists who inform the animals of their spacio-temporal finitude and cause animal angst.
Can I Mary them?
It doesn’t say anything about murdering it!
That animal filed a persecution report with the United Nations!
Are you kidding? I can’t rag the animal? It must really not like ragtime music.