Quick, someone hide the knives…
Photo courtesy of Tats Yamada.
Pencil case found in Japan.
Because I know it’s funny to drop kick you for being stupid!
They drew Amy Winehouse wrong, too.
Another PMS girl…
My kindergartener SO wants this pencil case!
Manic depressive much?
can you blame her? i mean, i’d get pretty angry suddenly if i had stars going up my butt…
…Or coming out from it.
hey, i didn’t give them premission to quote me
Especially when someone steals my shirt…
And then it puts the lotion on its skin.
I love the graphics on the word SUDDENLY.
so am i to believe that psychopathic stripper farts smell like magic?
The description of menopause
I put the bag down. It did not move or crawl SUDDENLY!
Bipolar naked chick! WOOHOOOO-wait…
Hey, how do they know my ex?
WHAT gets angry or laughs suddenly? I don’t recommend going past second base with her.
It’s best to lock up the pills and cough syrup when she’s around.
well… if you do show up for school naked and having a bipolar moment, you either get expelled or get a gig at FHM…
Why is she naked?
I suppose she becomes naked when angry … ?
Because I know it’s funny to drop kick you for being stupid!
They drew Amy Winehouse wrong, too.
Another PMS girl…
My kindergartener SO wants this pencil case!
Manic depressive much?
can you blame her? i mean, i’d get pretty angry suddenly if i had stars going up my butt…
…Or coming out from it.
hey, i didn’t give them premission to quote me
Especially when someone steals my shirt…
And then it puts the lotion on its skin.
I love the graphics on the word SUDDENLY.
so am i to believe that psychopathic stripper farts smell like magic?
The description of menopause
I put the bag down. It did not move or crawl SUDDENLY!
Bipolar naked chick! WOOHOOOO-wait…
Hey, how do they know my ex?
WHAT gets angry or laughs suddenly? I don’t recommend going past second base with her.
It’s best to lock up the pills and cough syrup when she’s around.
well… if you do show up for school naked and having a bipolar moment, you either get expelled or get a gig at FHM…
Why is she naked?
I suppose she becomes naked when angry … ?