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I just adore my diapers..NOT PANTS! Their just the prettiest and the pinkest! DIAPERS, NOT PANTS!!! Their so soft and nice and…DEFINTLY NOT PANTS!!!
I love my diaper, I wear my diaper all the time, I do not like pants, I like diapers, my diaper is pink, my diaper is nice and warm and soft.
did I mention that they are diapers?
So particular in fact that I wear the same one every day..
They may be diapers, but that is definetly not a rabbit.
It’s clearly a Hare. Hares have shorter ears than Rabbits. It is very particular when it comes to fur, and the feeling and fit of its un-Rabbitly goodness are top priority. Can’t forget to mention it’s a hare, not a rabbit.
This is the result of those anti-pants protests.
Mom was right: I DID begin to regret teaching that rabbit to talk
Silly rabbit… pants are for kids.
They’re not pants.
Apparently someone wore these thinking they were pants
Oh, good thing it says on the package that they are not pants. The part where it said they were diapers threw me because i could have sworn they were pants.
I just love the feelin of urine in my pants, err, I meant diapers.
They’re not pants you know? I don’t wet my pants.
… so daiper, right? Sorry, you were being to vauge.
Wait, it said diapers on the package? I’m sorry honey, I thought they were pants.
I should really toilet train my pet rabbit…
Diaper… anyone?…anyone?!?
And to think that all of these years, I thought that the terms were interchangeable!
And to think that all of these years, I’ve actually been wearing diapers!
So funny that I wet my diaper… NOT PANTS! Don’t you dare call them pants!
“I love diapers, they’re comfy and easy to wear!”
hang on –ERRRUPHHH they aint pink no more
For me, I like the ones that makes noise when i walk and can hold alot.
Well, people DO wear diapers, like me I wear LUV’s, to bed, driving my car, going to the movies, shopping, out to eat, errands whatever, kinda hard i must say to wear one while wearing a skirt or short shorts. Like the guy said above, I like the ones that makes noise also thats why I wear LUVs, i don’t care if people know if i wear a diaper or not. I been wearing daipers for my whole life and I’m 30. Guess I never really cared to much. And yes i change myself.
Worn and loved by the godam baby.
I adore my pink diapers. But they won’t be pink for long…
For a baby anime rabbit, she has pretty high standards…
They are piapers…I mean dants! That’s it, Eureka! A new product, PANTPERS! I’m going to be rich!
Damn…that talking hare’s got into my head and now I can’t stop thinking about diapers…
This might be the weirdest engrish ever…cuz it’s really not that engrish, it’s just weird and obsessive…
Urine trousers, anyone?
a little too attached to your pink diaper (NB: NOT PANTS!) are we?
You mean they’re diapers?
Don’t beat around the bush.I need to be told at least 10 more times what they are. So, they are…..pants?
nice pants.
By the way, those are not candy bars….
But I thought they are diapers, not pants.
Hot pants?
This is a product best described by what it isn’t.