Photo courtesy of Jorien Weterings.
Found in China.
Posthumous fines of up to $1000 to offenders.
These are the kinds of signs the road runner has to look for.
Oh, I should’ve told uncle dave earlier.
If you jump, we will steal your safe.
Commit suicide at someone else’s cliff! This one’s OURS!
must happened a lot for them to put up a sign… hey up there, we are tired of scraping dead bodies off the rocks
Commiters of the suicide will be severly punshed with death
and not to be ceaerful of treping on the sefes all ovar the ground. they hert you. also, if yoo do jump down, you will be locked in elevater
Is falling ok?
how about jumping in place? on on the safe?
Grandpa!!…NOOO!!!Can’t U read? Don’t jump!!Oops,too late!
jumping will cause you goto jail and executed
You’ve got to go to the other cliff. The one that you’re supposed to jump off of. We’re tired of cleaning up your bodies.
Be scary the anvil as well!
Posthumous fines of up to $1000 to offenders.
These are the kinds of signs the road runner has to look for.
Oh, I should’ve told uncle dave earlier.
If you jump, we will steal your safe.
Commit suicide at someone else’s cliff! This one’s OURS!
must happened a lot for them to put up a sign… hey up there, we are tired of scraping dead bodies off the rocks
Commiters of the suicide will be severly punshed with death
and not to be ceaerful of treping on the sefes all ovar the ground. they hert you. also, if yoo do jump down, you will be locked in elevater
Is falling ok?
how about jumping in place? on on the safe?
Grandpa!!…NOOO!!!Can’t U read? Don’t jump!!Oops,too late!
jumping will cause you goto jail and executed
You’ve got to go to the other cliff. The one that you’re supposed to jump off of. We’re tired of cleaning up your bodies.
Be scary the anvil as well!