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Buy ’em used right off Ebay.
But what do you do when there aren’t any used ones, either?
I think I’ll just hold it ’til there are fresh tissues available…
pssssssssttttttt…. there are black market’s barely used ones in the back alley…
Just give me a rough as sand paper paper towel instead–I’d rather have owies instead of diseases.
You can get them from the vending machines which also sell the used panties..
Save the earth campaign.
Dont mind the brown spots!
This is why I bring my own tissue…
“I have the basic brown, green….and a special on the brown ones with corn…..”
The Chinese says:
Because in this restroom, we do not provide organization, you please the one using to buy.
For also you we are having used feminine productses.
No thanks, I’ll just use my hand or something…
Even if a used one is cheaper, I’d still much prefer to get a new one on lay-by
Vending machine priorities: Money > Manners > Convenience > Pandemics.
please ignore the gooey stuff. its just my kids snot
I’ve only used one side of the tissue. The other side is still usable
Bet they’ll buy one if you say it’s been used by Robert Pattinson.
Environment 1: Humanity 0.
Umm, excuse me…any used tampons in that machine? Jelly doughnuts?
you should start to always carry tissues on your purse young lady…
could i get one used by dr. dre?
I just finished with this one, and I’m looking to sell
Saving the environment the scrooge way!
Recycling is great and all but isn’t this a bit much
Why can I get them for free every where else?!
BSting – I’ll store them in my PacMan Fever lunchbox 😀
nice way to teach sharing 🙂
Oooh!!! Mine came with free corn!
just avoid the yellow and the brown ones
even the korean translation is bad
Could I just rent it, like the last guy apparently did?
save the envirionment! share toilet paper!
I hope they’re at least selling two-ply.
always trying to rip you off in china huh? if i wanted to obtain a used tissue i think i would just look in the trash can instead of “buying” them for “five fo one dolla”.
i think i would just rather wait till ur tissues are ready.
No! Put that tissue in the recycle bin!!
This is what happens when the economy gets rough.
Hey, pass me the green one!
“Timmy, don’t use that chocolate-scented toilet paper!”
eeeeeeew what is it supposed to say in japanese??
You know your economy is in the tank when there is a market for used tissues.
if you under stand chinese read the bottom notice too 🙂
i guess i’ll just look at the trash can..
i’m selling a slightly used one also. offer good while supply last. see posters and print ads for details.
Just use the other side. You won’t even notice it.
Chinese version is also off.
Aight, I can donate my used ones in there.
I found a used one, it’s plain white! It’s sticky though…
if anyone read Chinese…it’s even funnier :p
Save the environment, buy used toilet paper.