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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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dont want any hti and runs while swimming…
Concealed swimming clothes… the new revealing look for at the beach!
If my swim ring is made of rubble, won’t I sink? O-O -points- EVIL!!!!
Throw garbage over the shark protention net all you like, though
Shark “protention”: “Well, as Nietzsche so clearly said…”
Awww… my ring is made of Aluminium. Can’t I enter?? I swear I got it from a collapsed building!
DianXian? that sounds painful
maybe you get it from the lorry that just drove into the bathing area
So much for driving my car into the ocean.
illness person for not to swim with disease
Business man: “Damn, should’ve chosen another job. Now I can’t even swim in my free time”
Er, hello, I’m the Invisible Man, you may know me…well,er, is it OK for my swimming clothes ? I mean, I don’t conceal them but…Yeah ? OK ? Thank you very very much………………………………….Ha-ha, he didn’t even see I’ve parked my Invisible Car in the bathing section…..
Illness Person forbid swim in bathing section, allow swim in sewer.
oh yes, this clears EVERYTHING up
PARENT —–child——-child——child. (Chu chu) Its you to lead “adult”…
yup all my facilities have good care
don’t swim! =)
What about the business man’s associates….can they swim here?
“…forbid any business man to enter bathing section”? This is raceous outrage and I will authorize it to the reports!
Hypertension people can swin in shark protection zone
Mental disorder can use plastic bags
Dian Xian disease, etc illness person can swim with business man inside vehicle
People who drink to excess are more likely to “use the facilities” in the water!
It’s not global warming, apparently it’s our environments’ bad hygiene habits…
*forbid any business man to enter bathing section* communist pools suck !!
This sign makes me so want to dress up like a business man, get totally drunk, and then drive into that pool with a garbage truck filled with any garbage — except rubble rings. Of course I’ll be wearing swimming clothes on top of my suit, otherwise they’d be concealed.
Oh, yeah? Well, my “+3 net of shark protention” beats your “+1 longsword” any day!
Crap..after reading all this I forgot why I’m naked,drunk, and wearing a rubble ring in an empty parking spot… and why am I standing on a business suit?
WANTED FOR TAMPER IN SHARK PROTENTION NET: Business Man! May be armed with Plastics Ring! Last seen with accomplice, Illness Person. Perform caution exercises! Also wanted for possessed Unconcealed Swimming Clothing!
God forbid?
They must be equipped with mental detectors.
Luckily, I’m wearing my winter coat over my business suit which conceals my swimming clothes and my gold wedding ring.
“Forbid any vehicle to enter bathing section”. That rule must have been added after the Who visited here.