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Hey, it’s one way of getting rid of your kids!
Helpful tips for pedaphiles are surprisingly abundant at this resort.
Last time I take swimming lessons from a SIGN!
next to the sign are bodybags so you can throw your child in and they drown
Go on, take it. TAKE IT! What the murderer testified hearing before commiting the crime.
Carefully ok? Don’t want to be sloppy…
Carefully! Don’t muck up the grass!
CAUTION: alligators in water, any parts of child found in water will result in a fine.
Note for suicidals-
fall in carefully
THEN drown yourself
Wow, it’s a good thing that sign is there. I almost fell into the water carelessly
It took a few times, but now I understand what the sign means.
…And never come back.
Better put the child first to be sure…
3 – Repeat as needed.
Hey junior, look at the duck! *push*
Take the mother-in-law
Fall into water hurriedly
“Its OK billy, you don’t need your floaties today! You’ll be fine!
Add onion and gingerly boil for 10 minute
Now what do you do next?
then get out and ditch the kid
errrr, where is my child ?
This would be a great for me and my little brothers! 😀
Welcome to Susan Smith park…
Make it look like an accident.
So thaaaaat’s how you do it!
Look for cops
Step-by-step instructions from the masters.
Where was that lady that locked her kids in the car and let it roll into the river? Now SHE knows how to improvise.
Make sure you feed your children melamine tainted milk before tho.
Then claim your insurance.
Then toss in toaster.
it means take care of child
move into water carefully
hmm… The pedophile rate seems to be up…
Then deny everything to the fuzz.
What’s worse than the pile of dead babies at the bottom of this pond?
A live one in the middle trying to eat it’s way out.
DO NOT DISRUB – RINGU 5 Filming in Prograss.
it actually says:
“take care of children”
“careful of the water”
Mother is trying to get rid of fussing baby
“Here take it, like the sign said!”
push on head
no letting go till all bubbles are gone
(sign out of frame) ask about our cinderblock rentals
That’ll teach them to whine about not being fed.
hey!!! me and my pop went there once. we were out to go swimming in the lake… i dont remember much after that….
show, however, how you can drown yourself child
It’s almost 11 am (Eastern Time). Do you know where your children are?
Found at a pedophile colony…
Go ahead, jump in, Billy! I SWEAR I’ll catch you!
…Please use provide bag on side, and have nice day!
Does this smell like chloroform to you, little jimmy?
Grim child discipline.
Towels 5.00$
Great Idea…take kindergarten
Go to Tucson River