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Toilet Rules?
posted on 14 Nov 2007 in Chinglish
Photo courtesy of John and Jemi Holmes.
Found at public toilet in Sichuan Province, China.
(Enhanced contrast of photo for readability.)
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just one question,, if the dissatisfied foot want movement of the bowels in the urine the pond, can it still act accroding to carry on? or must it request the intestablishment of toilet beard?
Did you know my dissatisfied foot likes isedible flavor?
If the water from the toilet isedible can we at least eat the fish from the urine pond?
The foot dissatisfied with reading of this beard of conduct for proper toilenvironment protocol.
I tried to translate this . . . help the anyone offer internet?
No! When I suggested using fountains of cherubs pissing into the pond, I didn’t mean to fill it with urine!
“Beard” in simplified Chinese has the same character with “need( to )”,
“beard know” actually means “need to know”.
Good old free online translator.
Too bad I can’t clamor loudly. I usually like to frighten others.
…yes… exactly what it says…
…The mos tinstructive beard in the world, ladies and gentlemen.
But what if I WANT to make loud noises in the bathroom?
REmeber guys, one cannot spread to leak
Reads like a poem by Gertrude Stein.
You know your country is technologically advanced when they invent a toilet that can also function as a foot bath, stove top, and canvas.
Well, crap! I like to clamor loudly while making excrement with my dis-satisfied foot in toilet! How will I go toilet now?
By the time one reads toilet rules, one has already crapped oneself! And clamored loudly while doing it….
Urine in the pond. No wonder the fish died.
Beard knows i’ve been in here too often with my dissatisfied feet and he bowelmovements…
Beard knows i’ve been in here too often with my dissatisfied feet and these Beardawful bowelmovements…
do not wear clown mask into other persons toilet place to frighten others. in case of emergency, break down toilet wall, but please until finished with business, or it may frighten others.
toilet training from a sign–now ive seen every thing
“All your base are belong to us” ?
I’m definitely using the toilet of attention
Sign Made At the Public Toilets for Geroge Michel.
Damn, I was SO looking forward to removing my bowels in that Pond … nevermind, I’ll find another one.
On second thought, there’s a nice park over there…
Just in time to faint and flush your beard in the toilet bowl after reading the whole shebang.
I want to see the toilet that grow a BEARD !!!
The confusion write of a plank namely a wall of toilet beard enough to make me disorderly frighten … fyuhhh..
Arrrrr! Shiver my timbers Toilet Beard
The First Rule of Toilet Beard Club:
My favorite is line 5 because I know what they’re trying to say and it seems like something one of my friends would do.
That’s alot of rules to follow just going to the toilet…
in the toilet with the go into toilet and the excrement with toilet leaking of dispersion beard of the toilet tool of toilet.
I cant go in there–I’m frightened of clamoring toilet users!
I wasn’t really planning on moving my poo into the urine pond…
But… I need to separate my planks to provide into the toilet place!
oh no! i have foot my bowel to the pond, clamor the frighten away! help! too bad attention beard not know me first! help!
I’m sorry, but my bowels have a mind of their own. Ponds intimidate them. 😀
And now grasshopper, if you can just at earnest go into toilet carry on any bother, you have learned…..
are you sure this toilet doesn’t provide into the eating place? i think i saw a poo poo platter back there!
Toilets have beards?
Read the toilet beard and get hard.
anybody with compulsive rule applying disorder is expected to burst his bladder in front of this sign
they got the spelling right at least
If excrementing same time on iPhone and surfing web with Chinese Toilet onto Google Translator with English not better.
You lost me at “Go into the toilet beard know”.
Oh crap, now ya tell me. I read the sign on the way out. Bet I broke 10 outta 11 of your little rules here.
Is it a toiletfacilities or a toiletenvironment? This sign lacks clarity.
Excuse my grammar, I meant toilenvironment.