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Should have been finished yesterday.
tommarrow is under construction too? what a hell is going on?
I understand that I’m paying you guys to construct my today and so far all you’ve done is direct traffic and eat sandwiches.
Make my day!
Anybody see the irony in the 2nd line?
What about Tomorrow or The Day After Tomorrow?
and the Lord created the heavens and the earth in 6-no 7-no-8 days.
yeah that’s it !
I always go back tomorrow, but they never give me my yesterday.
So if i come back yesterday, it will have been under construction then, so i could come here today!
Hey! That sign has been there since last year!!! When will today be done!?!
God works in mysterious ways. Procrastinating, but mysterious.
Today is under construction and over budget.
It will sure be done by tomorrow.
But where did “All Our Yesterdays” go?
(That’s a Star Trek episode…)
Constructing today for a better tomorrow
Today won’t be finished until tomorrow, which, sadly, will never come, because today isn’t finished yet…
its not gonna be done tomorrow since we dont have today! :S
YES!!! Now I have more time to finish that essay!
When today is finished, tomorrow will have technical difficulties.
When today finishing, tomorrow will technical difficulties.
You know, it makes sense in a Zen sort of way.
Tomorrow nevers comes
This makes a good motivational poster, for those people who are constructing their own lives, to remind themselves that they are building their own “todays”.
Can I get that on a t-shirt?
All Wish Lists Will Be Considered
Watch out, the Langoliers are coming…
Tomorrow Never Knows
Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream. It is not dying.
-John Lennon
Sponsored by the TARDIS corporation.
Don’t thank me for understanding QUITE yet… I think i need a few more beers first.
today is under construction, thank you for understanding. yesterday had been completed and sold. we are souring materials for tomrrow……
I think it makes perfect sense. It’s almost like some kind of proverb or something.
Um… do I understand?
Thank you for understanding? I understood nothing. IRONY.
well thats depressing…
Please must return when giant erection is complete for your much enjoy!
Its kinda poetic though.
Oh, don’t thank me.
I still don’t understand, anyway!
… because yesterday is not demolished yet …
. . .and we’re sending the blueprints back for retouching.
tomorrow never comes…trust me..!!!
Wow, I swear I heard this from brazil politicians since I was a kid!
looking forward too seing you toomorow, for today’s inauguration;
I knew the day didn’t seem quite complete
I understand. Its GroundhogDay all over again.
i can get back to sleep n not to go to school??? OWH THAT”S GOOD!!
“Thank you for sticking penis swimming power in magic potato of the love”
Eh…? You`re welcome… *runs to airport*
You must construct additional today’s!
whaa i just woke up and got 404 error! then woke up again and it’s gone phheeew
Brought to you by the makers of yesterday, last week, and cow fried pork
Heavens! what a lousy firm! Gving us that attitude and EXPECTING us to forgive them for ALL our troubles? The insolence! And what about tomorrow? Will THAT be delayed even further? And, oh, I suppose they’ll blame it on ‘technical difficulties’…. THE NERVE!