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George Bush asked me to tell you to call them “Freedom Fly” from now on
French Triple Whammy – Clock Monsieur, French Fly and Bucket (Bagette)
Clock, monsieur? I need to time myself to see how long it takes for me to throw up after eating all those French flies and buckets.
the ham plate isn’t cured yet? I though we fixed that problem!
Hey waiter, can i have the rice without the bucket?
Why are they eating that clock from Beauty and the Beast?
Clock Monsieur, French flies, a piling match of cheese, all served in a bucket? Mais oui! Garçon, another bucket for Mr. Creosote!
Yes I’m on the Olive and Nut Diet. I would like 1 Olive and 1 nut to go please….
I told him: “Here’s your clock, Mounsier!”. And then, the French fly…
Boy, I sure can’t seem to choose what I’ll be having for today!
You mean, the ham is still sick?
– Time flies, pasta with tomato coffee nuts and flied lice to go at three o’clock, please.
Waiter, there’s rice in my worms!
@72rd 8:32 pm
Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like bananas.
Thursday’s pasta has far to go.
I ran through the narrow streets of Tokyo, my heart racing. The thugs were right on my tail. Thinking quickly, I darted across a busy street right as the crosswalk light turned red, and ducked into a café. Still being pursued, I looked around for anything which could hinder the approach of these thugs. My eyes fell upon a bucket of rice which someone had ordered. “Sumimasen!”, I apologized, and picked up the bucket of rice and poured it out over the threshold of the café’s door. Then, I knocked over the towering clock monsieur which stood beside the door,… Read more »