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Battery Instructions
posted on 25 Oct 2006 in Instructions
If you can swallow a D battery,
you got problems anyway…
Photo courtesy of Jim Carlton.
Found in a 4 pack of AA batteries in Austria.
Some have written in to say that the
illustration is from Homestarrunner.
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so thats why my blood stream hurts
Hell..it could screw up your throat too but don’t tell this guy..
So much for THAT alternative energy source…
is very terrie fying to eat baterries
Sadly, several friends nearly suffocated when the quints were born.
perhaps with seasoning would be ok? A Salt and battery anyone
This man swallowing 5 batteries at once: is this before or after the mind damaging?
Wheres the picture for the damage done if you insert them anally ?
Who wants pictures of THAT?
Quickly! He’s going into shock!
That’s you only swallow 5. If you swallow 6 your mind and blood stream should be OK.
DAMN!!…. and I was just thinking of replacing my daily Ginseng pill with one battery a day for more energy.
and now they say…. ive been swallowing batteries for the past 16 years
big mouth
Heck, my mind’s damaged already
100% Daily Recommended Value of Nickel-Cadmium, and a great source of iron.
I ate batteries once…I TRIED to stop, I really did, but I just kept going and going and going and…
Please, do not play the snake.
But I was just feeling a little run down and the Energizer Bunny just keeps going and going and…
Hey don’t be greedy. Take one at a time.
Hey, don’t be greedy. Take it one at a time.
…If your mind wasn’t damaged already.
We know that by experience.
If you have the ability to swallow batteries in the first place, there’s something wrong with you…
Isn’t that image taken from an old Homestar Runner skit?
This is the cover for “The Andromeda Strain”
He’s gonna crap a battery of batteries!
Simply reVOLTing…
The model for this drawing went on to a very lucrative career in porn…
oh..tats ok .. never mind those statutory warnings
but what if am crazy because my blood stream is hurt??
then can i swallow the batteries??
the guy in the picture must be REALLY popular
the key thing is the acid inside, it’s best if the battery is cracked
as if swallowing batteries wasn’t already a sign of “Mind Damage”
That must be a self-portrait.
For clearly, the gentleman knows where-of he speaks, especially regarding the very last bit.
I think I know that guy. Wasn’t he on contestant on Fear Factor… the drunken edition?
No, I know who that guy is. He’s the guy who never said “no” to any sentance starting with “I dare you to…”
Does this remind anybody else of the diagram from the strongbad email “englilsh paper?” (Yes, that mispelling was intentional.)
Fair enough. I’ll try to remember that next time.
It makes sense when your mind is damaged.
My blood hurts.
don’t energy drink
The things people will do just to get into the Guiness Book of World Records. First that guy with a thousand cigarettes in his mouth, now this! 😉
Yeah, it’s best not to do anything that could potentially kill you. 😛
i saw him try that with 3 guns,8 knifes,and a baby…..the baby died but still it was a cool trick……
indeed…. “eating one battery; eating five batteries”