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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for Humor Times...
Don’t Grow Now
posted on 1 Jun 2006 in Signs
If you grow it, they will come…
Photo courtesy of Michael Morefield.
Sign found at Asamushi Aquarium in Japan.
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now where am i going to plant these hand seeds?
Is it ok to use my hand to free Willy
You can grow a hand out your nose for all they care… just not in the fence.
Dolphins and handy fences are not a good combination
This sounds like my aunts stab at pictionary…
Ok.. how about my foot?
Gotta hand it to them!
(They should’ve used Dictionary.com:)
Because there is a possibility of being bitten in the dolphin, please do not present the hand to inside the pool.
lets grow hands!
If not for the dolphins, then for your own good! Don’t do it!
I think i’ll grow a finger.
ahhh the the dangersof growing hands in fences…
And all because Morticia wanted a dolphin-tuna-sandwitch!
The Thing got stuck in a fence and Cousin It got involved (and swallowed by a dolphin) but Uncle Fester saved the day with a stick of dynamite.
Who would have thought the japaneese would take it so hard as to post a sign over some dolphine pate? Someone must have said something impolite…
This law is a great setback for the hand-in-fence growers industry.
but im already sproutin knuckles–it’s too late for that now
So the fences are involved in the dolphins, or the hands are?
i’ll try my best
If you’re scared of a dolphin, the only thing you need to be growing is a set of balls.
oh god. don’t grow a hand, or it’ll be involved in a dolphin. does that mean I’ll have a dolphin hanging off of my arm at some point?
Are we talking about any ol’ fence, or just this one here? Just wanna be clear.
Please grow your hand in a box, pole or sewer but never in a fence. Violators will be prosecuted!
Dolphins APPEAR friendly and harmless, but they are actually plotting to bite off our hands because they’re jealous of our having opposable thumbs!
are growing heads ok?
well there goes my project
I’ll keep that in mind.
My hand will never be involved in a dolphin!