One two, It’s gonna kill you. Three Four, Shut the door. Five six, get your crucifix. Seven Eight, Stay up late. Nine ten, Never sleep again BECAUSE OF THAT DAMN DOLLHAMMER ON YOUR BOOKCASE.
15 years ago
Funny how a cheap plastic doll head can make ANYthing look creepy!
15 years ago
I’d hate to see what the unfortunate hammer looks like.
unfortunate doll!
MAde apparently for OTHER dolls to vent frustration..
… Is that a severed head attached to a hammer?
Reminds me those poor toys from Toy Story…
One two, It’s gonna kill you. Three Four, Shut the door. Five six, get your crucifix. Seven Eight, Stay up late. Nine ten, Never sleep again BECAUSE OF THAT DAMN DOLLHAMMER ON YOUR BOOKCASE.
Funny how a cheap plastic doll head can make ANYthing look creepy!
I’d hate to see what the unfortunate hammer looks like.
and you thought “talking tina” was bad…
I heard she’s quite a banger!
Ready to get hammered?
>Bring it! Maybe not…
This is my new banhammer!
That is one messed up toy!
Hammer Girl, friends with Barbie Grill