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Tamagochi Message
posted on 2 Sep 2003 in Video Games
Flashing doesn’t give me much time…
(from the Gameboy version of Tamagotchi)
Photo courtesy of Larisa Z.
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Call me crazy but there is no way NOT to flash a toilet
dosent the toilet get flashed enough?
And don’t forget to moon the sink !!
don’t be worried if it makes a flash right back at ya 😉
I never forget to flesh the toilet professor
And why should the toilet get all the fun?
90% of the time I do remember to flash the toilet. The other 10% of the time, though, I moon it.
…And be sure to wush your hands afterwards.
One step ahead of you, professor.
Okay, will bring my camera next time to take photos of my poo!
can i flash you, proffeser?
we have to. well, no we don’t. we flash it AND moon it, but I like to vomit in it. we’re good friends, that porcelain bowl and I.
Flashbang out!!!! take cover!!!
Don’t forget to mash your hands when your done!
Even if it did say “remember to flush the toilet” would it really make sense for a scientist to be going around and saying things like that in his lab? wouldn’t it make more sense if he said something like “science is fun”?
Ah, so you can call it? Jeez, why didn’t I think of that before?
So… We make an adobe flash version of a toilet?