Pumpkin Poo
Good Pot
I won’t kidding
Come on my House
What ever happened to ‘make yourself at home’?
(Note: Many have written in suggesting
that this may originate from the Rosemary
Clooney song ‘C’mon a My House’, but I believe
this to be incorrect. ‘Come on my…..’
is a common error in translation – similar
instances can be seen with examples such as
‘Come on my country’, etc.)
Photo courtesy of Jeff Groom.
I Hate Myself and I Want to Die
I think the rainbow motif really sets the mood here…
Photo courtesy of Paul Gilbert.
(NOTE: many have written in
saying that ‘I hate myself and I want to die’
may have been taken from a Nirvana song.)
The Batards burned it to a crisp!
(Note: A few have written in to say
that ‘Batard’ means both bastard and
a type of bread in French)
Photo courtesy of Leo Yamamoto.
Powerful T-shirt
Emergency Trap
When you need a trap right away…
(Incidentally ‘trap’ means ‘stairs’ in
Dutch, but the word ’emergency’ is not Dutch)
Photo courtesy of Geert Awater.