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Sequel of ”Sperman”
Now with more seamen.
I wonder what Superdong l looks like
Too big for Asian ports!
What a Wang
Something to take you to the Town In Town
It’s not the size of the ship, it the motion of the ocean.
RH 13H00
PQ 08H00
VD all day by Seamen
It takes many hands to cleverly manipulate this special boat!
It’s certainly long and hard.
Very little use in Asia.
Is it circumnavigated?
By using the Tantric exercises, one can last more than two hours.
Nowadays they are starting to become fashionable.
But if you and you partner have the time and determination, the techniques can help work wonders
The new Love Boat.
Made in Longdong
Just wait ’till you see the dingy!
Superdong too?
Whatever floats your boat.
Superdong 1 just sort of petered out.
@Frank Burns | 5:02 am: ♪ ♫My dingy-ling, my dingy-ling… ♪ ♫
BTW. The western way of ignoring you lady, and thinking of other things to prolong the act, is totally wrong..
The tantric way is to concentrate totally on your lady, (look into her eyes if possible) taking pleasure in her pleasures, and seeking to prolong or heighten them.
If you can take your lady to exhaustion, without climaxing yourself, you have achieved the ultimate. (Nirvana no?)
@FB 0508. No mate. It just got too old and soft.
Q. Do you know why there are lots of shipping collisins in Vietnam?
A. It appears, that the sailors like ramming each other.
Sometimes it gets into the berth by itself, other times it needs a tug.
I jumped into my dinghy,
And my lady grabbed my thingy,
And we sailed the ocean blue,
Going ingy dingy doo.
@DnT 0534 This lady was married to a shipping magnate. On his birthday she didn’t know what to give him. He had lots of yachts, thusands of ships, and he had received lots of tugs from her.
So she forgot about boats, and gave him a swallow instead.
Marum @4;41am or Titanic exercises?
The sequel to “Long Dong Silver:.
The Dinghy Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lg8r83b7N_4
SuperDong fits for King Dong.
Long, hard, and full of seamen.
What am I supposed to name my yacht now? Superdong3926? This is 1995 and trying to find an AIM username all over again!
Check out the Superbong (with a B) next to the captain’s chair. You wondered why there were so many collisions?
@Big Fat Cat | 7:56 am: Titanic exercises would involve a lot of ice and going down. Kinky!
@DnT 1702.
Q. Did you hear that Linda Lovelace’s mother died tragically.
A. She went down on the Titanic.
BTW. I never thought of oral-sex as being kinky.
I thought it was normal, for any loving couple in a long term relationship.
Vietnamese clocks dont chime.
They just go
PQ = PHU Quoc Ferry.
RG = Rach Gia Ferry
Round trip 5.0hrs 2.5hrs each way.
Fare = VND350,000 ($15.00) one way
By the Superdong Ferry (Fast)
Ther may be cheaper ways, but don’t drive it. Road is crap and takes at least 3.0hrs. Would be quick if you are skilled on a frail bike.
Whever I have been on a high speed ferry, esp in Aust. I prefer to sit on the little rear deck. Inside, it is like an hermetically sealed chunder bucket.
@Classic Steve:
Are they blue?
Are they blue?
Permission to come aboard?
Oh, Superdong
You’re gonna make your fortune, won’t be long
But if you lose, it’s ’cause she done you wrong
The only game you know is use that dong, ah-ha-ha . . .