Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
That clown tasted funny.
Never thought I’d get out of there alive!
Photo courtesy of Ramon Bergsma.
Found at McDonald’s in Yichang, China.
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Mmmm … McDonald’s Duck!
So Ronald’s a cannibal
NOTE: Our toilet seating is reserved for excretion of WcDdonald’s guest only
Do guests taste like Big Macs
I’ll have a McRib… And a McSpleen, and a McLung…
Run! Uncle McCannibal is coming!
It puts the ketchup on its skin or else it gets the nose again
Give new meaning to “You deserve a break today “
These buns are a little chewy.
Never send your kids to McDonald’s birthday party else they will be on the menu next day for Happy Meals.
Consumption – TB or not TB, that is the question.
My cannibal tribe prefers free range grass fed humans.
Over 99 billion severed.
Beware of the “ball pit.”
Eat the Fockers.
Waiter! There’s a fly on my plate – and it has a zipper!
You want friends with that?
Well the guest’s name was Pattie.
… and a side order of fava beans, please.
Fine young cannibals will be fine
It makes sense, McD’s was started by a man named Kroc.
McDongalds – Where fast food doesn’t get away ™
When you consider all those old ads in which the food itself is alive…
I’ll have a handburger.
As if I needed yet ANOTHER reason (other than the difference in the food quality) to avoid Mickey D’s and buy my fast food from Chick-Fil-A instead.
– Waiter! I said ”my mother in law”, not ”raw”!
“D’aaaah, I heard that!”
Property. Personal effects. Whatever.
Next to ”Kentucky Fried Chinese”
Why McDonald’s had to retire the Ronald McDonald clown.
“I must say goodbye, Clarisse. I’m taking an old friend out to Mickey D’s.”
I hope you all enjoyed your day at vore-con
@Droll not Troll: If you eat the Fokkers, you’ll taste airplane glue.
McSoylent Green
Shamrock Shakes are made from people! People!!
I’m sorry, I’m on a diet. McDonalds guests are too fatty, it’s going to have to be Baja Fresh guests for me!
McCannibals eating the Donald, anybody?