Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
You must be satisfy Engrish
The when can I?
posted on 6 Feb 2015 in Signs
Do you-know-what on the there ! !
Photo courtesy of Mauricio Barembuem.
Found at a nightclub in Kyoto, Japan.
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Is it okay that I everything on the there?
Even caption is not made on the here!!
Can I can can? AT the here?
But officer, I did not anything on here.
Do just stand here, don’t something!
Don ‘t something = Do anything
Call out the instigator, because there’s something on the here!
Maybe on the there, or there or there, just not here.
Take your something somewhere else!
Translators are getting lazier and lazier.
Take your something to the somewhere else!
Don’t even accidentally
You could break your whatsit.
The s ign perso n le ft to o muc h ro om betwe en the apostrophe and the t. AND too much space between the word “here” and the the two exclamation points.
Perhaps there is also too much space between the sign-maker’s ears….
It’s similar as ‘Seven Don’t’, but on much larger scale
Or you’ll get a what for, I’ll tell ya what!
Now tee the ball.
OK! I tee it.
But why the baby talk?
I can cancan, you can cancan, even a Toucan can cancan, but no can, or even two cans, can cancan.
We are the Hear.
You must OBEY!
No thingamagiggers or whatchamacallits either!
The ISO standard Engrish algorithm:
Globally swap {‘a’,’an’} and ‘the’. Any noun or pronoun without an article, insert before it a randomly-chosen article.
Perl regex implementation left as an exercise for the reader.
A something, a something! My nothing for a something!
what is this I don’t even
Did you here?
Here we have plenty of nothing, and nothing’s plenty for us.
– Mommy! I didn’t again!
And this is why you don’t use Finnegan’s Wake to teach English to Japanese speakers.
and also, please do nothing on the there.
Do nothing on the there
You can something over there if you like though…
(attempting to read the japanese text)
“System Trouble”??
Remember: To Love Ru is Trouble.
Yes, it says “Don’t put anything here to prevent system troubles.” “If you do, we may move or discard it.”
Who did the thing?…
MMmmmmmm THE THING!!!
I think this was written by my father during a frustrating home repair job.
“No, don’t…something on the…here! Now, go get…you, me…get that whatchacallit…it – it’s on…over…there, on top of the…the thing there. Damn it, it’s like you kids aren’t even listening anymore. No, no! I told you, don’t. ..on something here, the – that thing on the…over here, whatchacallit there, the…on the thing. The thing!”