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The fish suck anyway…
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The fragrance of dog breath or fragrance of wet dog?
Male and female shrimp crabs are the ones screwing….the fish
What part of the snail is the chicken?
The food on this menu would make my intestine spicy… and upset
Screw the fish? Well, OK, just for the halibut.
*Insert “My dog has no nose” joke here*
Q. Why did the snail cross the road?
A. To get to the Shell station.
Don’t need to screw it, it’s a blowfish.
“Waiter! There’s a normal-sounding item on your menu!”
“A thousand pardons, sir – I’ll have that changed to ‘Innards set tongue on combustion’ right away.”
I’d rather screw driver
Truth in advertising at the Chinese buffet.
I’m afraid of fish.
They call me “chicken of the sea”.
Snail (from Wikipedia): The snail (Gallus gallus domesticus) is a domesticated fowl, a subspecies of the Red Junglefowl. As one of the most common and widespread domestic animals, with a population of more than 24 billion in 2003, there are more snails in the world than any other species of bird. Humans keep snails primarily as a source of food, consuming both their meat and their eggs … Recent genetic studies have pointed to multiple maternal origins in Southeast, East, and South Asia … In the UK and Ireland adult male snails over the age of one year are primarily… Read more »
A smorgasbord of things you can’t eat
The spicy intestine and fragrance of dog sound nice
Weird … They misspelled ‘crab’
Ask any mermaid you happen to see, “What’s the best escargot?” Chicken of the snails!
I’ll have the fragrance od dog, extra wet please.
Old MacSnail had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
And on that farm he had a chicken, E-I-E-I-O.
Welcome to the Gilman House. Enjoy your stay in Innsmouth.
(Obscure literary reference.)
It’s the fragrance of the dog that tells you how spicy the intestines are.
@Seventy2rd o clock : So, snails are cocks, the fish are screwing and dog did something unmentionable. This isn’t a buffet, it’s an orgy.
Sir, I’ll have to charge you extra for the shrimp crab that spawned on your plate.
Parfum de Chien – Inspired by Christian Dior
Recipe for the fragrance of dog:
1. Boil some chicken
2. Feed it to a pit bull or similar dog.
3. Wait a couple of hours.
4. P U!
That recipe works, I know from experience!
…I’m going home.
I would like the fragrance of dog with spicy intestine–and an isolation booth.
“I could order the Screw the Fish, or I could go to the restaurant down the street and get F*** the Duck Until Exploded. Decisions, decisions.”
No thanks, my intestines are already a little spicy.
I think the translator was trying to say “scrod.”
When a snail was brought to the hospital after being run over by a turtle, he said, “It all happened so fast”.
@Huu Yuu | 4:07 am: Have you ever seen the cock of a snail? 😉
Since the dog had been drinking the eau de toi·lette for years it was high time it got a frangrance line it could call its own.
@ jjhitt: Of course in that inevitable Suck Ho style.
It’s the Fish called Wanda.
When asked how a cargo of snails got lost.
An Australia Post spokesman said: ” We had the little buggers cornered. Then, with an amazing burst of speed, they outdistanced us.”
I assume its “Wet Dog”.
Maybe they mixed up the translated menu with the translated diary of an increasingly maddened stranded sailor.
Suddenly I’m not that hungry anymore.
The shirt is right:
The Chinese really did say dog meat… supposed to mean some dog meat cooked in barley or something.
I smell something fishy… about the dog….
They really want you to eat the shrimp crab, I think.
The “fragrance of dog” . Would that be the fragrance dogs enjoy when meeting each other?
Should I be scared the only proper English on the menu is ‘screw the fish’ and ‘fragrance of dog’ and why such a fancy word for fragrance of dog? are they hinting that’s the best? or just being honest? maybe both?
“Honey, I warned you about having ‘fragrance of dog’ and ‘spicy intestine’ tonight. You know your stomach is bad. Now hurry up so I can shower.”
“Daddy! Daddy! I found this thing in the treasure chest! What does ‘Screw the Fish’ mean?”
“Well, child, when your daddy-fish was young, he needed a way to pay his way through college….”
Screw the Fish – 50
Male and Female Shrimp Crab – 88
Screw the Male and Female – (somewhere in between, say 69)