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Delicios Baby Burger: The Pleasent Face of Cannibalism
I don’t like baby burgers; too much fat.
Rather than follow China’s lead & introduce a ‘one child policy’, ever innovative Japan devised a single solution that effectively addressed both overpopulation and global food shortages
It’s the fast food version of Swift’s “Modest Proposal”
@SF: This T-shirt looks like the ideal uniform for a campaign with that name
They are just Kidding… aren’t they?
So Healthy and nutricious
It’s probably Soylent Green.
Yeah, I really feel myself tasting good. Even without teeth. Nom, nom me!
Infants. It’s what’s for dinner.
When they said “baby back ribs” I thought it meant something else.
“Oh, you’re so cute I could just eat you up. No, seriously.”
I think I’d rather have a hot dog with an actual dog in it.
Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Smith, it’s a boyburger!
If you can just maintain your MENTAL health…
Would you like fries with that, Mister Dahmer?
Is it my twisted imagination or is this really being displayed on a maternity wear manikin?
Some animals eat their offspring….As a parent I can understand why.
Meat me, I’m pleasent.
I’m having trouble maintaining my emotional health just looking at this shirt.
When did Fat Bastard go to Japan?
I think someone grossly misunderstood the Baby Food Diet.
I love children but I don’t think I could eat a whole one…
Warm bread instead of the diapers… Now I know why it’s being comfortable.
This is the kids meal at McHannibal’s.
Jonathan Swift would be pleased.
baby burgers is soylent green!
I heard their buns are pretty soft.
Just prepare them with some baby oil and baby powder.
And don’t forget to floss after.
Fried with the finest baby oil in the world (!!)
“Baby: The Other Other White Meat.”
Be quiet and eat your soilent Greens
Get in ma beree!!
Johnathan Swift is spinning in his grave, laughing himself sick.
While Johnny Welfare plays acid rock on a stolen guitar, his old lady has a better idea… That’s right, she’s got the munchies for a California Cheeseburger -Chief Wiggum
According to Chief Wiggum, this is called a “California Cheeseburger”.
Looks like Planned Parenthood has found an innovative way to make up for potential losses of government funding.
Disturbing on soooo many levels. Especially the baby saying help me.
Baby just did a dooty in my burger!
Ayuh, they’re good eatin’.
I think I’ll order this one without the secret sauce.