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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Now, don’t lose this…
posted on 7 Sep 2010 in Toiletries
I found it!
Photo courtesy of Susan Janvrin & Matt Normand.
Air freshener found in restaurant bathroom in Japan.
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I knew it! Sanity is going down the toilet these days!
I’m going a little mad…can I get the jumbo 3.4kg pack?
I love smell of napalm in the bathroom. It smells like sanity.
Yes Virgina, there are such things as Sanity clogs. Be careful that you don’t accidentally knock it into the toilet.
I lost mine a long time ago, and now, finally, . . . Just where is this toilet, and when does the next plane leave?
To: mickeygreeneyes
Are you insane? Can’t you see it’s empty already?
Hey, doctor! I came for my regular sanity check. Oops, wrong door…..!
Sometimes the bathroom is the only place that I can find a little sanity.
Those are some tiny looking marbles. No wonder I keep losing them.
This toilet has been sanitized for your sanity.
Message in a bottle.
Engrish writers could use more of this.
Don’t strain yourself too much or you might just lose your sanity on the crapper!
I’m losing my mind! Oh wait-there it is.
Mental Health is severely over-rated.
Where is sanity?
Third door on the left.
after many years of experience, mom finally discovered the best way to clean a toilet.
What were Susan and Matt doing in the same restaurant bathroom?!?
Aah, there it is ! I always wondered where Mel Gibson left it behind.
that is some BAD sanity
@Eduard. No! It is only half-full.
I thought I had a firm grip on it, but it must have slipped out while I was washing my hands…
So, wait… Metallica’s song, “Welcome Home (Sanitarium)” is about cleanliness, according to this? Awesome! That makes hygiene metal!
Wherever they may have found this, I’m sure it wasn’t here:
Always replace your sanity after flushing it.
When I was a kid they called it Ritalin…
Now I gotta go all the way back to Japan to get this; I’m angry even when I got a good airfare!
Where did you find yours? I lost mine years ago.
Now that my sanity is here, should I eat it or rub it on my scalp?
-but is it clean?