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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Quality is overrated…
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We believed in high quality product, than we realized we were losing money!
We believed in high quality product, but not now!
The origin of Water Gate.
Translation for Thai language description :
Take note this high quality product is produced from the finest algae water.
…then we sacrificed quality for lower production costs…
Everybody needs something to believe in. I believe I’m going to switch to beer!
Oh, ye of little quality faith…
This water has been passed.
. . . but we couldn’t figure out how to stack water in a pile, to make a hill.
Water Hill: a product of General Motors.
…until we reviewed our sales data and found nobody was buying our water anyway, so now we believe in Zero Care.
We believed in high quality product…. until we found this.
Not worth a hill of water.
Now we believe in Marketing!
…But that was too much work for us.
. . . now we try to mask our mediocrity, crying “sour grapes” by indiscriminately voting “low quality” on everybody else’s captions.
We believed in high quality product, but then we switched the stuff with hydrochloric acid & figured no one would notice.
We also believed in Santa Claus. When are YOU gonna grow up, huh?!
When the time came to market Dasani to the Thai public, Schwepps finally decided to be more or less honest about their product for once! 😉
…Then we were introduced to the Evangelist Church!
…Then we read DieselDragon’s captions on Engrish.com! 😀
Uh, Diesel Dragon:
Dasani is a Coca-Cola product, not a Schweppes product.
Check the label, dude.
Great. Now I have the song “Don’t Stop Believin’ ” stuck in my head.
@Pete: As far as I know, Coca-Cola is/was owned by Schweppes beverages, at least that’s the case here in the UK.
Schweppes/Coca-Cola tried to sell Dasani over here a few years ago, but there was a big consumer backlash against it when it was found that the “pure” water in Dasani was actually coming from mains water supplies in Sidcup! 😮
(See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dasani#United_Kingdom for more info)
After all…Who wants to pay GBP 1.25 for a bottle of tap-water, when you can get all that you want from your own kitchen sink as part of your yearly water rates? 🙂
We believed in a high quaality product, but our shareholders insisted we make a profit instead. This water has been passed by our CFO.
Diesel Dragon:
True that. Didn’t know about Schweppes’ role re Coke in the UK.
Stateside, Dasani’s Coca-Cola all the way.
My bad, mate.
And now for more Engrish….
I used to believe in things when I was a kid, too.
If you water the hill, will it grow?
Yes, it was once belived the high quality! Now we realise it hose quality
The actual mistake is with the name itself : what they wanted to say is water Tower…
Water Hill? Didn’t he direct The Warriors?
And he used to believe in high quality products too…
you believeD in high quality products?
does that mean u didnt trust urproduct before but u do now?
Thai Translation into Engrish:
Water Hill.
Grow Weed.
We believed in high quality product…
…but we settle for less now!
That’s some high quality H2o
we used to believe, but not any more…
please understand!
…or perhaps it should be Water Closet brand.
Water Closet Water, tried and tasted by thousands before it appeared, right here, in your bottle. Fully recycled and recyclable product.
I dreamed a dream…
We believed in high quality product, the we made this.
I believe in Silent Hill.